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STD Quantum random number generator

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Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2020-10-13 22:06:31
Creation time: 2020-10-12 21:05:39
When a Townsend avalanche is created in a Geiger-Muller tube by some high-energy particle, the signal is inverted and sent to the trigger pin of a ne555 in monostable mode (T ~ 2s), whose output is sent to the clock-enable pin of a decade counter driving the cathodes of a Nixie tube, while the clock signal of the decade counter comes from the ouput of another ne555 in astable mode (f ~ 1-50Hz through UI potentiometer) Original idea : AlphaPhoenix (https://www.youtube.com/c/AlphaPhoenixChannel) Credit for voltage booster for Geiger-Müller tube : CAJOE (https://github.com/SensorsIot/Geiger-Counter-RadiationD-v1.1-CAJOE-)
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 1m LB1 L_AXIAL-0.6 1
2 10m LB2 IND-TH_BD8.0-P3.00-D0.6 1
3 Nixie-IN-14 Hamic NX NIXIE IN-14 1
4 270p CT1 RAD-0.3 1
5 10n CT2 RAD-0.3 1
6 1u CC2 RAD-0.3 1
7 10n DB5,CB6,CB7 RAD-0.2 3
8 CD4017BE 4017 DIP-16_16P-L20.2-W6.6-P2.54-LS7.6-BL 1
9 30V AC 30VAC,30VAC2 CONN-TH_P6.35_1714955 2
10 50k RTPOT CONN-TH_P6.35_1714955 1
11 MPSA92 QP9,QP8,QP7,QP6,QP5,QP4,QP3,QP2,QP1,QP0 TO-92-3_L5.1-W4.1-P1.27-L 10
12 MPSA42 QN0,QN9,QN8,QN7,QN6,QN5,QN4,QN3,QN2,QN1,QB2 TO-92-3_L4.9-W3.7-P1.27-L 11
13 NE555N 555B,555T,555C DIP-8_L9.8-W6.6-P2.54-LS7.6-BL 3
14 2N3904 QT1,QB1 TO-92-3_L5.1-W4.1-P1.27-L 2
15 33k RB1,RB2,RC1 R_AXIAL-0.8 3
16 3k RB3 R_AXIAL-0.8 1
17 1k RB4,RT8 R_AXIAL-0.8 2
18 10M RB6 R_AXIAL-0.8 1
19 10k RT1 R_AXIAL-0.8 1
20 470k RT2 R_AXIAL-0.8 1
21 47k RT3 R_AXIAL-0.8 1
22 15k R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R9,R_M_2 R_AXIAL-0.8 11
23 75k RM1 R_AXIAL-0.8 1
24 3.9k RR1 R_AXIAL-0.8 1
25 5k RR2 R_AXIAL-0.8 1
26 LM7805CT REG TO-220-3_L10.0-W4.5-P2.54-L 1
27 100u CM1,CM3,CM2,CM4 CAP-D12.5×F5.0 4
28 10u CR1 CAP-D12.5×F5.0 1
29 100u CB2,CB1 CAP-D5.0×F2.0 2
30 1u CT3,CC1 CAP-D5.0×F2.0 2
31 1N4007 DB1,DB2,DB3 DO-41_BD2.4-L4.7-P8.70-D0.9-RD 3
32 100n CB3 RAD-0.1 1
33 1n CB4 RAD-0.1 1
34 R_3386P_US RB5 RES-ADJ-TH_3386P 1
35 Geiger+ GEIGER+ HOLE 1
36 Geiger- GEIGER- HOLE 1
37 1N4148 DM1,DM2,DM3,DM4,DR2,DR1,DR4,DR3 DO-35_BD2.0-L4.0-P8.00-D0.5-FD 8


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