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Update time: 2019-07-24 07:33:12
Creation time: 2019-07-23 08:08:26
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Supplier Part
1 micro USB1 MICRO-USB-1 1 LCSC ValuePro micro USBFemale C10418
2 DSS14 D1 SOD-123F 1 LCSC DYELEC DSS14 C150987
3 MSP430G2452IPW20R U5 TSSOP-20 1 LCSC Texas Instruments MSP430G2452IPW20R C202320
4 NCP114AMX330TCG U6 UDFN-4 1 LCSC ON NCP114AMX330TCG C133056
5 4K7 R8,R21,R22,R9 AXIAL-0.3 4 LCSC Stackpole Elec RMCF0603FT4K75 C237113
6 LED-RED LED1 LED-3MM/2.54 1 LCSC EVERLIGHT 204-10SURD/S530-A3 C99772
7 1K R12,R16 AXIAL-0.3 2 LCSC Stackpole Elec RMCF0603FT1K05 C134342
8 100 R15 AXIAL-0.3 1 LCSC UniOhm 080500F1000T5E C146168
9 LED_WHILE LED2 LED-3MM/2.54 1 LCSC EVERLIGHT 204-10SURD/S530-A3 C99772
10 LED-BLUE LED3 LED-3MM/2.54 1 LCSC EVERLIGHT 204-10SURD/S530-A3 C99772
11 10K R17,R18,R20 AXIAL-0.3 3 LCSC Hong Kong Resistors RCT0310KJLF C177337
12 22K R19 AXIAL-0.3 1 LCSC YAGEO AC0603FR-0722KL C144680
13 TEMP P26 WJ2EDGVC-5.08-3P 1 LCSC ReliaPro WJ2EDGVC-5.08-3P C8430
14 WJ2EDGVC-5.08-3P P27 WJ2EDGVC-5.08-3P 1 LCSC ReliaPro WJ2EDGVC-5.08-3P C8430
15 TEST P28 WJ2EDGV-5.08-4P 1 LCSC ReliaPro WJ2EDGVC-5.08-4P C8436
16 BUTTON SW1 KEY-6.0*6.0-2 1 LCSC PANASONIC EVQ22705R C79156
17 RESET SW2 KEY-6.0*6.0-4 1 LCSC PANASONIC EVQ22705R C79156
18 1uF C7,C8 0603 2 LCSC AVX CM105X5R105K10AT C167410
19 0.1uF C11 0603 1 LCSC SAMSUNG CL10B104KB8NNNC C1591
20 10pF C12 0603 1 LCSC Huaxin S&T 0603N100J500 C152928
21 PC817X4NSZ9F U4 SMD-4(6.4X4.58) 1 LCSC Sharp Microelectronics PC817X4NSZ9F C192269
22 330 R7 AXIAL-0.3 1 LCSC FH 330R 5% 0603 C22104


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