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STD Tpa3116D2 power audio amplifier Bridge 100W

License: CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-07-20 21:33:51
Creation time: 2019-04-20 21:06:11
**Circuit power audio amplifier IC TPA3116D2 D Class.** The TPA3116D2 series are stereo efficient, digital amplifier power stage for driving speakers up to 100 W / 2 Ω in mono. The high efficiency of the TPA3130D2 allows it to do 2 × 15 W without external heat sink on a single layer PCB. The TPA3118D2 can even run 2 × 30 W / 8 Ω without heat sink on a dual layer PCB. If even higher power is needed the TPA3116D2 does 2 × 50 W / 4 Ω with a small heat-sink attached to its top side PowerPAD. All three devices share the same footprint enabling a single PCB to be used across different power levels. [English](https://xtronic.org/circuit/circuit-power-audio-amplifier-ic-tpa3116d2-d-class/) [Portuguese](https://www.te1.com.br/2019/01/circuito-amplificador-potencia-audio-ci-tpa3116d2-classe-d/
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