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STD Peltier device


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2018-01-17 03:56:12
Creation time: 2018-01-17 03:56:12
So I am working on a Peltier device for heating and cooling and the module required to run it requires specific input signals to activate/deactivate it. Here's the deal. This module runs on a 12 VDC current. It has two (2) signal wires. One of which is a Positive and the other is a Negative. Both positive and negative require a resting 2.5 VDC. The module has four programs that it runs. To activate them it raises/lowers voltage by 1.0 VDC on a single signal wire at a time. For example. 2.5v resting on the positive signal wire then raise voltage to 3.5v that signals an activation until voltage is returned back to 2.5v. And if voltage is lowered to 1.5v that signals a different activation until voltage is returned back to resting 2.5v. Same go for the negative signal wire for the other two options.
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