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STD FFMAU20201202

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2020-12-03 04:07:48
Creation time: 2020-12-02 23:53:42
(This is not a finished project, this is a draft)
This is a prototype board for a micro altimeter (MAU) to be used on mini educational and hobbist rockets.
Allthough it is almost a precise copy from (protected by GNU GPL v3.0.) https://github.com/DeMarco/MAU-1.0?fbclid=IwAR3ssbS3A6xKZJrgDhSeUq-kCwvC4cLoGdGgEfyFibpCvKuzCgm6ZTHAV5g (by Rodrigo De Marco)
It is based on  ATTINY85 as microcontroler and BMP280 (bosh) Pressure Sensor, but minor changes were made in how board is switched on and off and also there is no baterry holder  included in this design to allow for different 3v power sources to be connected or soldered direct in the board.
The intent is to make this available and affordable for  students and hobbists that are not familiar with eletronics and how to fabricate eletronic boards (PCBs) or are not familiar or experienced in soldering such small eletronic components, this will give them a baseline to order a pre-assembled board or assemble their altimeters by thenselves as a DIY by using services from a large PCB manufacturer (usually from CHINA).
(I'm not a vendor, neither fabricate eletronic boards or any type of sales, just a Rocket Hobbist)
Firmware attached (ProtoTypeOne.hex file) was created from the source code provided by the original authors on the  link above and is available for download in the attachement sessions of this project down below. Updates on the firmware may need to be done to work on this design. 
To assemble this board you will require to know how to : 
1 - Order from a board manufactor , like JLCPC (where you have option to order a preassembled board with most critical components on it , like : cpu, sensor and other very small and hard to solder eletronic components)
2-  solder some of the lager components to the board (like connectors, battery holder and switch)
3 - load firmware into the microcontroler
(all instructions on how to do that will be available in a how to video later on)
All steps after those ones, like setting up your altimeter and how to make it work and maintain it can be used from the Original design documents on the link above.
If you decide to DIY this project, please be advised that it is at your own risk.
To this moment Dec 02 2020 there is no prototypes or tests made.
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