EasyEDA can help to draw the new part which didn't drawn yet, you can send the email to us, we will design it in three working days if the datasheet is good.

Build Free Parts

if you are the subscription user, we will offer you 6 parts per month, finish in 1 working days per part.
if you are using the free plan, we will offer you 2 parts per month, finish in 3 working days per part.

The subscription detail please refer as: https://easyeda.com/page/pricing

Mail Info

mail to: haidy@easyeda.com
subject: new part require
if the part is LCSC or JLCPCB part, you just send the part number to us, if the part isn't at LCSC and JLCPCB part list, please follow below format:

Manufacturer: Maxim
Manufacturer part number: MAX861ESA+T
Footprint: SOIC-8
Product package type: tape
Part pdf links(or pdf file): 
manufacturer website: https://www.analog.com/en/index.html
It is expected to be used in days: 3


1、We will process in 3 working days, if the device is only has a PDF, but the official website address is not clear, may not be drawn.
2、if you want to use it hurry, suggest you draw it by yourself, and then add the LCSC part number, when you order BOM and SMT, they will read the LCSC part number to match the part.

EasyEDA team

你现在访问的是EasyEDA海外版,建议访问速度更快的国内版 https://lceda.cn(需要重新注册)
如果需要转移工程请在个人中心 - 工程 - 工程高级设置 - 下载工程,下载后在https://lceda.cn/editor 打开保存即可。
有问题联系QQ 3001956291 不再提醒
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