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STD JLCPCB: Acoustical Control Snowflake Light


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2020-04-26 07:23:27
Creation time: 2020-04-26 07:21:27
![JLCPCBsnowflake.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/ESjxo0mPNf9hFnGVnPz5qVKR8RRwi8wJ0ejHxtVN.png) ESP8266 WIFI Acoustical Snowflake LED lights - Tmall wizard voice color and phone APP color Step 1 PCB Schematic Function description: 1) ESP-12S master control, based on the Blinker Internet of things platform, connected to WIFI to achieve networking control 2) The mobile APP can achieve 256 levels of brightness control and full-color palette 3) T-mall Sprite voice control, to achieve part of the color adjustment (Tmall Sprite entry restrictions) Easily get the design from [EasyEDA](EasyEDA) ![JLCPCB SCHEMATIC.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/uiBltAnBrOJDScPJBjlB12PPqsjMiMkwUl5Nmaiq.png) Step 2 PCB Outline If you designed the board from Altiumer, to know more details about how to Generate Gerber files from Altium designer from [How to generate Gerber files from Altium](How to generate Gerber files from Altium) and you can get it from [JLCPCB](JLCPCB) for 5 pcs by $2 ![JLCPCBOutline.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/miganFvtCJAW8vmKmFSeTitkCE7P2wT9lItSn9Cj.png) Step 3 PCB Board This is the board how it looks like; ![LED JLCPCB.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/BHhqFRvjnQ6ECzNRkmKM4H0xtgo15e83FDqEoCLI.png) Step 4 BOM for Snowflake LED Light Easily get full BOM list from [LCSC](LCSC) ![JLCPCB BOM.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/avWHEYDXdQVDvraNo0JZxLzce4OUbHIl8Q6aQQzb.png) Now, you can get the whole SMT Board in [JLCPCB](JLCPCB), can get $7 coupons for SMT orders.
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