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STD 5~12V Boost circuit copy


Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from 5~12V Boost circuit

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Update time: 2022-03-10 21:17:16
Creation time: 2018-04-16 15:27:40
1、working principle: Due to the built-in power switch with a large current, 34063 can control the switch current to 1.5A. The internal circuit includes a reference voltage source oscillator, a converter, a logic control circuit, and a switching transistor. Reference voltage source is a bandgap reference with temperature compensation. The oscillation frequency of the oscillator is determined by the external timing capacitor of the 3 pin. The switching transistor is composed of a reverse input terminal of the comparator and a logic control circuit connected with the oscillator, and is provided with a ON, and is composed of a next pulse which is synchronized with the output of the oscillator to be OFF. 2、Function Description: This module is mainly to achieve DC 5V boost to DC 12V; 3、Description of each function module: ![enter image description here][1] 4、Element and PCB plate before welding ; ![enter image description here][2] 5、Physical map after welding ; ![enter image description here][3] ![enter image description here][4] ![enter image description here][5] [1]: /editor/20160320/56ee35fde6cdb.png [2]: /editor/20160320/56ee367ae6c08.png [3]: /editor/20160503/57283f916b5b5.JPG [4]: /editor/20160503/57283f96eaf3c.JPG [5]: /editor/20160503/57283ffed9d07.JPG
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 104 C1,C3 CERAMIC-2.54 2
2 101 C2 CERAMIC-2.54 1
3 47uF C4 PC-D5.0MM 1
4 1N5819 D1 DO-35 1
5 150uH L1 Z-150UH 1
6 1 R1 PR-D2.3XL6.5MM 1
7 200 R2 PR-D2.3XL6.5MM 1
8 10K R3 PR-D2.3XL6.5MM 1
9 1.2K R4 PR-D2.3XL6.5MM 1
10 MC33063_MC34063P U1 DIP8 1
11 OUT X1,X2 H2-5.0-10.5X8.0MM 2


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