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STD SparkFun Transceiver Breakout - nRF24L01+ (RP-SMA)


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Update time: 2021-04-10 22:58:31
Creation time: 2016-07-15 02:56:26
![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] **Description:** The nRF24L01 module is the latest in RF modules from SparkFun. This module uses the 2.4GHz transceiver from Nordic Semiconductor, the nRF24L01+. This transceiver IC operates in the 2.4GHz band and has many new features! Take all the coolness of the nRF2401A and add some extra pipelines, buffers, and an auto-retransmit feature - very nice! This board features a reverse polarized SMA connector for maximum RF range. Please remember, you will need a mating RP-SMA 2.4GHz antenna (listed below). Because of lower costs and better performance, we recommend the nRF24L01 over the original nRF2401A modules. This unit has an onboard 3.3V regulator and has 5V tolerant IO lines. This makes it very flexible, but you will need to power the unit with 3.3V or higher voltage for the regulator to perform properly. **Note:** We now populate these boards with the nRF24L01+. The ‘+’ version of the IC has improved range, sensitivity, and data rates. The command set is backward compatible with the original nRF24L01. **Features:** On-board 3.3V LDO Regulator (3.3 to 7V supply allowed) Reverse Polarized SMA Connector for external 2.4 GHz Antenna 100m Range at 250kbps 250kbps to 2Mbit Data Rate Auto Acknowledge Auto Re-Trasmit Multiceiver - 6 Data Pipes 32 Byte seperate TX and RX FIFOs 5V tolerant input pins Software selectable channel from 2400MHz to 2525MHz (125 Selectable channels) Minimum number of external components Pins broken out : VCC, CE, CSN, SCK, MOSI, MISO, IRQ, GND Lots of application notes and support on Nordic Semiconductor Website For more detail and Documents, Please visit: http://www.sparkfun.com/products/705 [1]: /editor/20160717/578b9fcda50ef.png [2]: /editor/20160717/578b9fd5b74ca.png
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 16MHz Q1 CRYSTAL-SMD-5X3 1
2 3.9nH L1 3-0603 1
3 22pF C1,C2 C-0603 2
4 33nF C3 C-0603 1
5 2.7nH L2 3-0603 1
6 2.2nF C4 C0402 1
7 4.7pF C5 C-0603 1
8 1.0pF C6 C-0603 1
9 1.5pF C7 C-0603 1
10 10nF C8 C-0603 1
11 1nF C9 C-0603 1
12 8.2nH L3 3-0603 1
13 V_REG_LDO U2 SOT23-5 1
14 10uF C10 EIA3216 1
15 NRF24L01 U1 QFN20 1
17 M08 JP1 HDR1X8 1
18 1M R1 3-0603 1
19 22k R2 3-0603 1


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