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STD ATLAS 2alpha - With Satellite Modem

License: CC-BY-NC 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2022-06-12 09:17:17
Creation time: 2017-12-27 15:36:01
Missione ATLAS 2alpha with satellite modem Lancio Stratosferico di test del gruppo [StratoLab][1] Per maggiori dettagli leggere il documento al seguente link: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eOIfV-URtCOaII5hsmYKytaqBb1XqrsQYls4tSL4QKs/edit?usp=sharing][2] [1]: http://stratolab.brandolinirota.it [2]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eOIfV-URtCOaII5hsmYKytaqBb1XqrsQYls4tSL4QKs/edit?usp=sharing
Design Drawing
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 Hdr ADS1115 P200,P201,P210 HDR-10X1/2.54 3
2 1uF C202,C204,C206,C208,C210 RAD-0.1 5
3 470pF C205 RAD-0.1 1
4 Lvl Shifter U201 SL - Adafruit Level Shifter 4-Channel 1
5 DS18S20 U204 TO-92(TO-92-3) 1
6 1k R202,R15,R14,R100 Vertical Resistor Pad 4
7 Hrd02 - Ard. Pro Mini P208 HDR-12X1/2.54 1
8 18k R200 Vertical Resistor Pad 1
9 12k R201 Vertical Resistor Pad 1
10 Thermal Panel Hdr P217 HDR-2X1/2.54 1
11 Hdr - 2560 Pololu adj V reg P218 HDR-4X1/2.54 1
12 Hdr - 2836 Pololu 5V P219,P104 HDR-3X1/2.54 2
13 1N5822 D200,D201 DO-35 2
14 Hdr01 - 2577 Pololu 12V P220 HDR-3X1/2.54 1
15 Hdr02 - 2577 Pololu 12V P221 HDR-2X1/2.54 1
16 Battery 01 P209 KF2510-2A 1
17 Hdr01 - Ard. Pro Mini - Serial Port P207 HDR-2X1/2.54 1
18 T Up Sect. Sens P213 KF2510-3A 1
19 T Down Sect. Sens P212 KF2510-3A 1
20 T Battery Temp P211 KF2510-3A 1
21 Hdr MPX4250DP - P3 P206 KF2510-3A 1
22 Hdr MPXV7002DP - P4 P214 KF2510-3A 1
23 Hdr MPX5100AP - P2 P205 KF2510-3A 1
24 Hdr MPX5100AP - P1DS P204 KF2510-3A 1
25 Hdr MPX5100DP - P1AS P202 KF2510-3A 1
26 Hdr MPX2100AP - P5 P203 KF2510-4A 1
27 DRV8838 Single Brushed DC Motor Driver U1,U100 DRV8838 Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier 2
28 Arietta Header P2 HDR-20X2/2.54 1
29 1N4148 D1,D2,D3,D4,D100,D101,D102,D103 DO-35 8
30 BC547B Q1 TO-92(TO-92-3) 1
31 10k R5,R6,R8,R7 Vertical Resistor Pad 4
32 1.8k R105 Vertical Resistor Pad 1
33 3.3k R106 Vertical Resistor Pad 1
34 Parachute Sensor Hdr (2460 Pololu) P106 KF2510-3A 1
35 Reed - Lift Off Sensor Hdr P107 KF2510-2A 1
36 Buzzer Hdr P108 KF2510-2A 1
37 Snooze Btn Hdr P109 KF2510-2A 1
38 Motor 02 P102 KF2510-2A 1
39 Sharp GP2Y0A51SK0F P100 KF2510-3A 1
40 GP-735 Connector P103 KF2510-6A 1
41 Battery 02 P105 KF2510-2A 1
42 Motor 01 P110 KF2510-2A 1
43 RockBLOCK 9603 Connector P101 KF2510-6A 1
44 Hdr - 2560 Pololu 3.3 V reg P111 HDR-4X1/2.54 1


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