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STD Amplitude stabilised Colpitts Oscillator


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Update time: 2021-04-09 19:33:39
Creation time: 2015-04-29 22:15:40
A modified version of the circuit at: http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/165259/need-help-understanding-oscillator-circuit The original circuit is overly complex and does not appear to work very well. The circuit can be massively simplified however the version shown here has been modified to minimise changes to the original circuit. This simulation shows that it stabilises the output amplitude over the temperature range of -20degC to +70degC. Please note however that the temperature performance of the Analog Devices OP275 models is unclear. signality.co.uk To run this simulation: Click on the little green pencil in the upper right of the view window then do; CTRL+R Save when prompted then: CTRL+R
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 PULSE(0 {VCC} 0 10u) V1 2P-5.0 1
2 BC547C Q1 SOT23 1
3 27p C1,C5 1206 2
4 10n C2,C4,C7,C6 1206 4
5 820p C3 1206 1
6 PULSE(0 {VCC/2} 0 10u) V3 2P-5.0 1
7 100k R1,R4,R13 R3 3
8 OP275 U1,U2,U4,U3 DIP08 4
9 1m R3 R3 1
10 300k R6,R7,R14 R3 3
11 1.5p C5 1206 1
12 2.7k R13 R3 1
13 100 R5,R2,R6,R11 R3 4
14 22k R9,R10 R3 2
15 6.8k R12 R3 1
16 650u L1 INDUCTOR-1206 1
17 {650u/(8**2)} L2 INDUCTOR-1206 1
18 BAT54 D1,D2 SOT23 2
19 1k R11,R5 R3 2
20 10Meg R2 R3 1
21 52k R1 R3 1
22 30k R3 R3 1
23 432k R7 R3 1
24 1.5u C5 1206 1
25 10k R8,R12 R3 2
26 3.9k R9,R13 R3 2
27 680p C6 1206 1
28 220p C7 1206 1
29 33p C8 1206 1
30 {VCC} V1 2P-5.0 1
31 PULSE({VCC/2} {VCC/2+0.01} 1u 10n 10n 10n) V3 2P-5.0 1
32 1Meg R8,R9 R3 2
33 1k R2 TRIM_POT_PTH 1


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