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STD How to enter special characters into EasyEDA text

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-04-12 00:35:29
Creation time: 2015-12-14 23:08:01
Using LibreOffice or most other word processors and some text editors, it is possible to copy and paste the `Ω` symbol and other mathematical symbols into EasyEDA text both here in the editor and in Forum posts. Some examples: the integral symbol: `∫`; the Sigma symbol: `∑`; and several more: `∂, ∆, ∏, √, ∞, ≈, ≠, ≡, ≤, ≥` and so on using: Insert > Special Characters > Subset > Mathematical Operators Trigonometrical and other symbols such as: `π, δ, ε, θ, λ, μ` and so on using: Insert > Special Characters > Subset > Basic Greek However, please note that the tilde symbol is a reserved character in EasyEDA and so cannot be entered into text in a schematic. If the formula is more complex and needs to be clearly represented in a formal mathematical format then it can be entered into the Formula Editor of LibreOffice (or some other word processor), saved as a .doc or .docx file and then uploaded into your projects page in: https://easyeda.com/my-projects as an Attachment like the `Mathematical_examples.doc` and `Mathematical_examples.docx` files attached to this project. If you can convert (export) the formulae from the Formula Editor into a .jpg or.png image then you can save it somewhere and upload it as a project page **Cover** image as show above. Once uploaded, right click on the image and do: **Copy image address** You can also then link the image into a schematic using the **Image** button on the **Drawing Tools** palette: ![enter image description here][1] and then selecting the image region and entering the URL (the image address you just copied from your project page Cover image) into the right hand Properties panel: ![enter image description here][2] Then position and resize the image as required: ![enter image description here][3] However, it may take several attempts to get the right image resolution using this approach. [1]: /editor/20151215/566f597eddd56.png [2]: /editor/20151215/566f5b5e18f42.png [3]: /editor/20151215/566f5c2803694.png
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