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STD Motor models

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-01-05 10:28:15
Creation time: 2016-10-11 12:30:58
Demonstrating simulations of a DC and a two phase stepper motor. #### Model of a generic DC motor. The model has the motor positive and negative power supply terminals. It also has three outputs. TORQUE is a voltage representing the motor torque scaled as 1V/Nm. ANGVEL is a voltage representing the angular velocity of the motor scaled as 1V/RADIAN/s. POSITION is a voltage representing the angular position of the motor scaled as 1V/RADIAN. The subckt netlist has the following user editable parameters: DCR = 0.5 ; Ohms. DC resistance LSER = 1.5m ; H. Series inductance of motor KT = 0.05 ; Nm/A. Torque Constant JM = 250u ; Nm/rad/s2. Total inertia of motor plus load BM = 100u ; Nm/rad/s. Total friction of motor plus load KEMF = 0.05 ; V/rad/s. Speed Constant For background information, see: http://ecircuitcenter.com/Circuits/dc_motor_model/DCmotor_model.htm http://www.beigebag.com/case_motor_torque.htm and: http://www.beigebag.com/case_dc_motor_t1.htm #### Stepper motor test jig This sim demonstrates the TORQUE, OMEGA (angular velocity) and POSN (Position) outputs of the subcircuit model of an ARSAPE_AM2224_AV_18 2 phase stepper motor when driven by an ideal reversible quadrature drive source. #### Stepper motor check jig This sim takes the subcircuit model of an ARSAPE_AM2224_AV_18 2 phase stepper motor and applies a voltage to the 'omega' motor angular velocity terminal to represent spinning the motor shaft from an external drive. The motor then operates as a generator and the voltages across the AP and AN pins and across the BP and BN pins is plotted. Open in Editor then CTRL+R to run sim. Configure traces using the blue gear icon in the WaveForm display.
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 ARSAPE_AM2224_AV_18 U1 ? 1
2 PULSE({-drv} {drv} {tdela} 1u 1u {tper/2} {tper}) V1 2P-5.0 1
3 PULSE({-drv} {drv} {tdelb} 1u 1u {tper/2} {tper}) V2 2P-5.0 1
4 PULSE(0 2 0 500m 500m 3) V1 2P-5.0 1
5 PULSE(0 10 1m 1u 1u 1 2) V1 2P-5.0 1


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