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STD How to make instantaneous power and resistance measurements


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Update time: 2019-11-05 16:28:22
Creation time: 2019-10-09 18:24:11
Using the EasyEDA pwrmeas and resmeas probe spice symbols to make instantaneous power and resistance measurements. The pwrmeas probe calculates power from the instantaneous voltage across the device multiplied by the instantaneous current through it and is represented as a voltage scaled as 1V/Watt. The output of the pwrmeas probe therefore needs to have a voltage probe attached to it in order to view the voltage representing the power. The resmeas probe calculates resistance from the instantaneous voltage across the device divided by the instantaneous current through it and is represented as a voltage scaled as 1V/Ohm. The output of the resmeas probe therefore needs to have a voltage probe attached to it in order to view the voltage representing the resistance. These instantaneous power and ohmmeter probe spice symbols can be found in the Search Libraries tool by searching for: pwrmeas and: resmeas spice symbols respectively. Note that the pwrmeas spice symbol demonstrated here measures **instantaneous **and not **average **or **RMS **power.
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 pwrmeas U1 NONE 1
2 SIN(0 20 1k) V1 HDR1X2 1
3 resmeas U2 NONE 1
4 1K R1,R2 AXIAL-0.3 2


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