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STD module test


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2020-11-12 11:11:27
Creation time: 2020-11-11 20:18:47
**Update PCB...** or **Import Changes...** when used with Modules appears to be broken. This project places two copies of a very simple Schematic Module into the schematic. https://easyeda.com/modules/A-test-module_67f63a346f054f73ab98fb9f6339a500 It also places two copies of a PCB Module created for this Schematic Module into a PCB. https://easyeda.com/modules/A-test-module_76c1cef53b474747b8d9bf05c826de74 The Schematic and PCB Modules have no net names. The component reference designators (prefixes) are the same in both the Schematic Module and PCB Module. In the Schematic and the PCB, one module has the reference designators prefixed by **A** and in the other they are prefixed by **B**. Once placed in the schematic, the two instances of the Schematic modules comprise only 4 nets in total. These 4 nets have had unique netlabels applied: netlabel1; netlabel2; netlabel3 and netlabel4. Both the Schematic and the PCB have been saved before attempting to do Update PCB or Import Changes. Both Modules, the Schematic and the PCB have all been created at the same time on Version 6.4.7 web-based EasyEDA. As can be seen however, any attempt to do **Update PCB...** or **Import Changes...** with or without Resetting the Component ID (Design - Reset Component ID) results in: the footp1. rints being removed and then replaced in the defaultpositions for a newly created PCB; the netnames in the schematic are not added into the traces in the PCB.
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