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STD PCB Prototype Board Comparison: JLCPCB vs Seeedstudio vs Osh Park copy


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Update time: 2019-11-03 19:25:56
Creation time: 2019-11-03 19:25:56
I’m a regular user of different **[PCB prototype][1]** services form my electronic design. I used several manufacturers of **prototype board**. Since 4 year now I’m mostly working with Eurocircuit but recently I tested different PCB prototype services and low cost solutions : JLCPCB, Seeedstudio and OSH Park .This is now an opportunity to compare these different solutions. ![enter image description here][2] ![enter image description here][3] ![enter image description here][4] **Cheapest PCB Prototype - JLCPCB** [**JLCPCB**][5] is a professional offer for making PCB you can order online. It is the next solution I’ve tested. To be honest I did the test because they ask me if I could review their service and offer me a free PCB order for this. So here is the review ! ![enter image description here][6] In term of website and service is is looking like all the Asian PCB ordering platform : you have an interface where you find the same kind of options for you PCB. The advantage is you don’t need to learn every time how to use the website. Instant PCB Quote: https://jlcpcb.com/quote ![enter image description here][7] This website is really low cost for sure, if you order 5 or 10 PCB 100×100 the price is 2$ !! When you go for higher quantities like 15 or more the pcb price is going higher. So this website offer a really aggressive price for small quantities and keep an really low price approach for larger quantities. Pushing PCB and order processing was standard and well executed. For my test the delivery has been made through DHL and the delivery was really efficient : i’ve got the product in less than 7 days. The plus was the delivery ; in comment you will tell me if I’ve got benefit of a premium service regarding the context but it’s the first time I received my PCB like this !! ![enter image description here][8] ![enter image description here][9] The pcb quality itself was really good, nothing special to say, other than it is what I’m expecting.I did not tested the stencil offer because of my time arrangement ,but the offer is also really aggressive with 9$ offer. So after this test i’m quite positive about the [JLCPCB PCB service][10] . I’ll need to make a second order as an anonymous person next time to confirm this feeling. Your feedback are welcome on comment if you have. **PCB Prototype & Hardware Supplier - Seeed Studio** Seeed Studio is proposing a low cost service for getting PCBs, when I say low cost, I’m talking about 19$ + port (3-5$) for the same thing as what I got for 115€ with Eurocircuit. The other main difference is the list of option you can have for no extra cost. The first I like is the PCB color choice : they are all the same price just you can’t request fast shipment other than for green. ![enter image description here][11] Most of the options are making cost higher but you will easily find the right combination for a reduced price. As much as I seen in my different order the production time of 5 days is respected. The main issues with seeedstudio is the validation of your files : you choose your design constraints yourself and you have no verification once you set your files. You can view your file but this is just an online gerber viewer. So once you order you have no feedback and you have to expect all to be right to receive working PCB. The first time I ordered to seedstudio I wasn’t sure until seen it I’ll receive my PCB with the right cutting. But it was. The second issue is transportation : seeedstudio is making circuit in Singapore and the delivery can be done using regular post or international transporters like DHL. I’ve tried the two options : regular post is really long but really not expensive, the main reason is it bypass the custom taxes (sounds like normal when price
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