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STD Battery controller


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Update time: 2022-06-13 14:49:38
Creation time: 2021-07-30 05:25:09
12v Battery charger circuit with overcharge protection circuitThis 12 battery charger circuit provides the Automatic cut-off facility when the battery gets fully charged. Before the use of this circuit, you need to adjust the Cut off voltage range for the auto cut. This adjustment is done by the moving 10k preset, and for testing of output voltage auto cut range a multimeter connected with the output terminals that go to the battery. This voltage range can be set by using any 13v or 14v DC supply which connects the terminals which go to the battery. And move the preset till the green led ON. Once the auto cut voltage is set, the circuit is ready to use. This 12 battery charger circuit provides the Automatic cut-off facility when the battery gets fully charged. Before the use of this circuit, you need to adjust the Cut off voltage range for the auto cut. This adjustment is done by the moving 10k preset, and for testing of output voltage auto cut range a multimeter connected with the output terminals that go to the battery. This voltage range can be set by using any 13v or 14v DC supply which connects the terminals which go to the battery. And move the preset till the green led ON. Once the auto cut voltage is set, the circuit is ready to use. This 12 battery charger circuit provides the Automatic cut-off facility when the battery gets fully charged. Before the use of this circuit, you need to adjust the Cut off voltage range for the auto cut. This adjustment is done by the moving 10k preset, and for testing of output voltage auto cut range a multimeter connected with the output terminals that go to the battery. This voltage range can be set by using any 13v or 14v DC supply which connects the terminals which go to the battery. And move the preset till the green led ON. Once the auto cut voltage is set, the circuit is ready to use.   This 12 battery charger circuit provides the Automatic cut-off facility when the battery gets fully charged. Before the use of this circuit, you need to adjust the Cut off voltage range for the auto cut. This adjustment is done by the moving 10k preset, and for testing of output voltage auto cut range a multimeter connected with the output terminals that go to the battery. This voltage range can be set by using any 13v or 14v DC supply which connects the terminals which go to the battery. And move the preset till the green led ON. Once the auto cut voltage is set, the circuit is ready to use. 
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 VH3.96-3P2 CN1 CONN-TH_VH3.96-3P2 1
2 1N4007 D2 DO-35 1
3 100 R1 AXIAL-0.3 1
4 10k R2 RES-ADJ_3386P 1
5 6.8k R3 AXIAL-0.3 1
6 1N4732 ZD1 ZDIO-7.5 1


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