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STD Top 3D pens


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2019-11-20 14:18:39
Creation time: 2019-11-20 14:17:46
This post features everything you need to know about a 3D pen. **What is a 3D pen?** A 3D pen is a pen that extrudes heated or warm plastic from the pen's nozzle. **What are 3d pens used for?** You can work the plastic into just about any shape and apply it to most surfaces. You can use it to add raised decorative designs to everyday objects. With practice, you can even make 3D drawings in empty space. These pens can also be used to modify and repair other 3D printed objects. **How much does a 3d pen cost?** Prices for decent 3D pens range from a cheap $14 to an expensive $150. Of course, the price depends on various criteria including brand, features, ergonomics, and many other factors. The average price for a 3D pen is around $50. ** How to choose a 3D pen? What are the best 3D pens in the world?** Read our review for ratings, features, quality and choose the right 3D pen of your preference. [https://reviewsrabbit.com/best-3d-pen-top-10-kick-ass-3d-pens-in-2019/](https://reviewsrabbit.com/best-3d-pen-top-10-kick-ass-3d-pens-in-2019/)
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