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STD Valentine LED chaser


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-04-09 10:38:10
Creation time: 2015-08-16 08:08:55
Every year at 14 February we celebrate the Valtentine’s day with our loved person. Usually we make a gift to each other to show our love to her/him. This can be a flower, chocolate or other stuff. Here we propose a different kind of gift to give her. That is a hand crafted LED chaser in a heart shape, so it’s has additional emotional value for her. Description The led chaser is build on a perfboard using 10 leds, CD4017 decade counter, a 555 timer configured in astable mode and some additional components. The circuit is really simple. On the left we see the NE555 timer IC configured in astable mode, producing a squarewave which frequency is defined by the resistor array and C1 capacitor. Trimming R4 we are able to change the velocity of the running LEDs. From: http://www.electronics-lab.com/project/valentine-led-chaser/
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 NE555 U1 DIP08-KIT 1
2 74HC4017N,652 U2 DIP16 1
3 10k R1,R2 R3 2
4 1k R3 R3 1
5 1u C1 RAD-197 1
6 100nf C2 C1 1
7 200k R4 POT 1
8 LED D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9,D10 LED3MM 10


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