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STD What are the steps to solve Norton error 3035 6?

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2019-08-19 08:47:41
Creation time: 2019-08-19 08:47:40
Installation of Norton Software in the device can lead to the error code 3035 6. It is not the main reason behind the problem but is seen as one of them. Since it is a runtime error, there cannot be any single reason behind this issue. To fix the same, apply the necessary troubleshooting steps.  Run a full antivirus scan in the system  Update the system's device drivers  Clear the system out of its accumulated junk  Reboot the Operating system and restart the device to increase the RAM  Undo the recent system changes with the help of Windows System Restore Still not able to troubleshoot the error? Call at **[phone number for Norton](https://www.connecthelpline.com/norton/)** right away and get an effective one.
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