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STD LED 10W 900mA Driver ATMega32 experimental

License: MIT

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2019-03-07 15:14:28
Creation time: 2017-04-07 08:18:35
LED 10W approx 900ma Mosfet driver (Rs depends from Vbe, Rs = Vbe / I for instance R7 (0.75) and Q6 (0.7) the I = ~930mA), logic provided by Atmaga32 or external source. Provide constant current source to up to 10 LED, OC1A and OC1B exposed via can be linked with other boards via TTL, SPI, I2C. External Level converters are required when connecting to targets with supply below 5V. Gerber attached for tested version "CorrectedSize_10W LED MOSFET Driver.zip" and untested "..._v0.2"(minor track changes + auto-routed).
Design Drawing
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 Fdd8447l Q2,Q5,Q9,Q13,Q17,Q21,Q25,Q29,Q33,Q37 DPAK 10
2 NPN Q1,Q3,Q6,Q7,Q10,Q11,Q14,Q15,Q18,Q19,Q22,Q23,Q26,Q27,Q30,Q31,Q34,Q35,Q38,Q39 SOT23-3 20
3 4.7Ω R1,R6,R10,R14,R18,R22,R26,R30,R34,R38 0603 10
4 0.7/Idiode (930mA = 0.93) = 0.75ohm!!! STRICTLY DEPENDS FROM Vbe of Q6 - here Vbe 0.7 !!! R2,R7,R11,R15,R19,R23,R27,R31,R35,R39 R2512 10
5 PNP Q4,Q8,Q12,Q16,Q20,Q24,Q28,Q32,Q36,Q40 SOT23-3 10
6 22Ω R3,R8,R12,R16,R20,R24,R28,R32,R36,R40 0603 10
7 3.3Ω R4,R9,R13,R17,R21,R25,R29,R33,R37,R41 0603 10
8 1000uF C1,C7,C8,C9,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15 CT1206 10
9 10KΩ R5 0805 1
10 DHT-1163S SW1 SW2-4.0-6.0X3.0X2.5MM 1
11 10UF-16V-10%(TANT) C2 EIA3216 1
12 22pF C3,C4 0805 2
13 10uH L1 SMD-2P-L6.0XW6.0XH3.0MM 1
14 100nF C5,C6,C16,C17 C0805 4
15 ATmega32A-AU U1 TQFP44 1
16 10PIN JP1 B10B-PH-K-S 1
17 LM7805L-TA3-T U2 TO-220(TO-220-3) 1
18 PROG_ETC J1 M2X5 1
19 4k7 R42 0603 1
20 1k8 R43,R45,R47,R51 0603 4
21 3k3 R44,R46,R48,R52 0603 4
22 PINHD-2X3 JP15 2X03 1
23 PINHD-1X1 JP4,JP5,JP6,JP7,JP8,JP9,JP10,JP11,JP12,JP13 1X01 10
24 GND_LED JP16 2X03 1
25 VCC_+12V JP2 2X03 1
26 TIMER1 JP3 1X03 1
27 LED_POS_+12V U3 1X10-BIG 1
28 SMAQ-5032B X1 IQG5032B 1
29 ADC JP14 1X08-BIG 1
30 LM1117TO252 U4 TO252 1
31 Micro_SD_MMC_a14061000ux0287 P1 MICRO_SD_MMC_A14061000UX0287 1


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