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STD Impact of Mass Media on U.S. Politics

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2019-10-08 08:03:51
Creation time: 2019-10-08 08:00:13
The mass media provides a means for conveying information and is aimed at reaching a large population over a short period. Mass media tools, such as television and newspapers, have a wide, both negative and positive, impact on the U.S. politics. This essay aims at discussing such effects and determining whether mass media should be controlled. Due to the fact that there are many other social and personal factors affecting politics in the U.S., there is difficulty in determining the exact extent to which mass media affects the politics. However, several findings indicate that the media has an influence on public debates. Mass media journalists impact the process of policy-making in the government of the U.S by establishing realities upon which government officials act, representing the public opinion and creating concerns to pertinent government issues. Mass media has an impact on the U.S political process. By making decisions which events and issues will gain public coverage, editors influence the workings of well-established political institutions within the U.S. This is an issue of more concern during the election period. It is important to note that mass media can create a positive public opinion about government issues or a particular candidate during an election period. This perception may act as a competitive advantage to a candidate or affect how the public views the government. Moreover, mass media coverage can act as a tool that ensures government acting faster in its policy implementation. The mass media also has an impact on both the legislative and executive functions of the government. The media acts as an important source of information that the government uses in the process of making decisions and executing its executive duties. In order to have more influence on public policies, the media is encouraged to cover the actions of a president in circumstances where important policies or regulations are to be communicated to the public. In such instances, the media is further involved in making more clarifications concerning a presidential speech to the public and addressing issues that they consider more important. Media coverage can also determine whether important government policies are successfully implemented. Positive coverage may influence other officials and the general public to accept a policy. Mass media also has an impact on the Judiciary. The media may present biased evidence in court, thereby affecting the credibility of the court decision. Moreover, a fair trial may not be possible where media publishes a case and evokes an emotional response from the public. Furthermore, the media also affects judiciary policy implementation just in the same way in which it does in case of legislative and executive policy implementation. There should be less media control by the government. This is explained by the fact that more control is likely to suppress important public interests, which seem to be a threat to the government. This may sabotage the democratic rights of citizens. Besides, media control may lead to government manipulation of the media. However, it is important that the media conduct its activities with professionalism and ethical standards during coverage. In conclusion, it can be argued that mass media coverage is significant as it influences the politics in countries such as the U.S. The media has political impact on government structures such as the executive, legislature, and the judiciary ones. In all these organs of the government, mass media affects the policy formulation and implementation process. It also affects the way in which the public perceives the government and other pertinent issues that are addressed by the government through a presidential speech or a public conference. See more cognitive projects on https://superessay.org.
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