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STD Bitcoin Tracker using a Raspberry Pi

License: CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2020-07-30 08:04:41
Creation time: 2019-01-29 14:04:58
**YouTube Video**: [Bitcoin Tracker](https://youtu.be/tMMky09HyKA) **YouTube Channel**: [Jonty](https://www.youtube.com/JontyDIY) **Full Step-by-Step Tutorial**: [Instructables](https://www.instructables.com/id/Bitcoin-Tracker-Using-a-Raspberry-Pi/) **Instagram**: [@jontydiy](https://www.instagram.com/JontyDIY/) Remember Bitcoin?.... the decentralized, new age currency, that was once traded at $19K which was supposed to revolutionize the global payment system. Well, it turns out that there are less than 3,585,825 Bitcoins left to mine. Around a year ago, I came across a post on r/bitcoin that talked about building a Bitcoin Clock across the street from the famous NYC Debt Clock. But instead of counting up like the debt clock, the Bitcoin Clock would count down how many bitcoin remains to be mined. Hence I decided to make one. Introducing Bitcoin Bar, a physical LED Dashboard that displays important Bitcoin information such as Price, Total Bitcoins left to mine, Blocks until the reward is halved, Hash rate, etc. You can customize and choose what specific parameters you wish to display.
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