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STD Three axis acceleration sensor module


Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from Three axis acceleration sensor module

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Update time: 2018-03-15 11:45:44
Creation time: 2018-03-15 11:45:39
1、Module description: Ultra low power consumption: VS= 2.5 V (typical) Measurement mode is as low as 23uA The power consumption of 0.1 A in standby mode is proportional to the bandwidth. User selectable resolution of 10 bit fixed resolution full resolution Resolution increases with the increase of g range, up to 13 bits (in all the g range to maintain a ratio of 4 mg/LSB). The patent application for the embedded memory management system using FIFO technology, the host processor load to a minimum. Single and double vibration detection Active / inactive monitoring The free fall detection power supply voltage range: 2 V to 3.6 V I / O voltage range: 1.7 V to SPI VS (3 wire and 4 wire) and I2C digital interface flexible interrupt mode Can map the arrival of an interrupt pin through serial command optional optional range of measurement bandwidth Wide temperature range (-40 degrees C to +85 degrees C) 2、Function Description: ADXL345 is a small and thin ultra low power 3 axis accelerometer, high resolution (13 bits), the measurement range of + 16g. The digital output data for 16 binary format, through SPI (3 wire or 4 wire) or I2C digital interface to access. ADXL345 is very suitable for mobile device applications. It can be used to measure the static gravity acceleration, but also can measure the dynamic acceleration caused by motion or impact. Its high resolution (3.9mg/LSB), can measure the tilt angle of less than 1 degrees. The device offers a variety of special detection functions. 3、Description of each function module: ![enter image description here][1] 4、Components and PCB diagram before welding: ![enter image description here][2] 5、Physical map after welding: ![enter image description here][3] ![enter image description here][4] ![enter image description here][5] [1]: /editor/20160627/577087faa637b.png [2]: /editor/20160627/5770880d22cba.jpg [3]: /editor/20160627/5770887fbfc82.jpg [4]: /editor/20160627/5770889276e07.jpg [5]: /editor/20160627/5770889761d43.jpg
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 ADXL345 U1 ADXL345z 1
2 10R R1 3-0603 1
3 0.1uF C1 C-0603 1
4 10uF C2 C-0603 1
5 SIP5 P1 HDR1X5 1


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