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STD MCP2210 USB to SPI Bridge

License: CERN Open Hardware License

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-05-31 05:31:30
Creation time: 2019-07-01 09:10:51
A USB to SPI bridge based on the MCP2210. This design uses the internal LDO for the USB core, therefore logic is set at 5V for the SPI port.
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Supplier Part
1 390 R1 0603 1 LCSC YAGEO RC0603JR-07390RL C137632
2 Header 0.1" H3 SIP-2.54MM-4P-CJT-H8.54 1 LCSC Changjiang Connectors A2541WV-4P C225479
3 Micro B USB1 MICRO-USB-1 1 LCSC ValuePro micro USBFemale C10418
4 12pF C1,C2 0603 2 LCSC Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Tech 0603CG120F500NT C182482
5 Header 0.1" H2,H1 210S-1X6P 2 LCSC Ckmtw 210S-1*6P L=11.6MMGold-plated black C124380
6 470nF C5,C6 0603 2 LCSC YAGEO CC0603KRX7R6BB474 C106250
7 12MHz X1 OSC-YSX-3225_4P 1 LCSC YXC X322512MMB4SI C50430
8 MCP2210-I/MQ U1 QFN-20-EP-5.0X5.0-0.65PITCH 1 LCSC Microchip Tech MCP2210-I/MQ C184631
9 100nF C3,C4 0603 2 LCSC YAGEO CC0603KRX7R7BB104 C108079


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