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STD solder timer

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2020-01-23 20:47:35
Creation time: 2019-11-21 16:33:37
Resetable 1 hour (configurable) timer for a 220V soldering iron. It will turn OFF a Solid State Relay every x minutes, you'll have to press a button to continue working. I need it because sometimes I forget to turn off my soldering iron when I go to bed. The code run on an ATTINY 85 and it's very simple, just enough to read a button and make a pin HIGH to turn the relay on or LOW to turn it off. The more complex code here is the configuration routine that let you stora a value [1-5] on the eeprom meaning the timeout time, 1 minute, 15, 60, 120 and 240 minutes (this values are easily changed). This PCB have basic errors, the footprint for the ACTIVE piezzo buzzer is too small, and the same for the C2 cap. And one nasty error, the NPN transistor footprint is wrong, I was able to choose one that I don't have on my box, had to twist the pins in a weired way to be able to use one that I have. Almost any generic NPN transistor capable of 100mA will do, the pins are marked on the pcb, choose one with the base on pin on the right side, so the worst case will be having to twist the left and center pin. The arduino code is attached, the wiring diagram will be added soon. There is a version 2 where the SSR is mounted on the PCB.
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 10u C2 RAD-0.1 1
3 5mm Red LED LED1 5MM_LED_2.54 1
4 HDR1X3 P3 1X3 HDR 1
5 500R R2 AXIAL-0.3 1
6 10k R1,R4 AXIAL-0.3 2
7 1k R6,R3 AXIAL-0.3 2
8 10R R5 AXIAL-0.3 1
9 NPN Q1 TO-92 1
10 ATTINY85V-10P U1 PDIP08_300MIL 1
11 2 Pin P1,P4,P2 HDR1X2 3
12 DIP-CERAMIC-DISC-100NF-50V-Y5V(D5.0MM) C1 RAD-0.1 1


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