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STD Led_LM5030


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2020-11-10 04:00:39
Creation time: 2018-12-08 17:55:34
Design Drawing
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Mounted
1 LM5030 U1 MSOP-10 1 Yes
2 STD3NK90ZT4 Q1,Q2 TO-252-2 2 Yes C35685
3 4.7 R1,R2 0805 2 Yes
4 0.2 R3 0805 1 Yes
5 470 R4 0805 1 Yes
6 1n C1 0805 1 Yes
7 36k R5 0805 1 Yes
8 1u C2 0805 1 Yes
9 10k R6,R7,R11,R12,R13 0805 5 Yes
10 47uF C3,C11 CAP-D6.3XF2.5 2 Yes C2029
11 0.1 C4,C10,C12 0805 3 Yes
12 LTV-817-B-IN U2 DIP-4 1 Yes C115458
13 LM393EDR2G U3 SOIC-8_150MIL 1 Yes C152730
14 TSM103WAIDT U4 SOIC-8 1 Yes undefined
15 Mutual_Inductor2 L1 TRANSFORMER 2 TO 3 1 Yes
16 KBU606 D1 BRIDGE-KBU 1 Yes C41066
17 WJ2EDGVC-5.08-2P P1 WJ2EDGVC-5.08-2P 1 Yes C8445
18 Mutual_Inductors T1 TRANSFORMER 1 Yes
19 1u C5,C6,C9 RAD-0.3 3 Yes
20 1u C7,C8 CAP-D12.5XF5.0 2 Yes
21 HFA08TB60PBF D2,D3 TO-220AC(TO-220-2) 2 Yes C2638
22 1k R8 1812 1 Yes
23 Header-Female-2.54_1x4 P2 HDR-4X1/2.54 1 Yes C124413
24 1k R9,R10,R15,R16 0805 4 Yes
25 TL431G-AE3-R U5 SOT-23(SOT-23-3) 1 Yes C71130
26 1KΩ R14 RES-ADJ_3386P 1 Yes C125024


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