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STD How to wash white clothes so that it always looks fresh and new?

License: LGPL

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Update time: 2019-11-09 09:47:31
Creation time: 2019-11-09 09:47:31
When it is new, white clothes are beautiful and it suits everyone. The bad thing is that it stains right away and if it is not washed properly, after using it sometimes it starts to turn yellow or take on a grayish hue. Do you want to know how to wash white clothes so that it always looks as bright as the first day? Write down the tips suggested by laundry and dry cleaning near me, we have collected for you. The first and most important is to separate the white clothes from the rest. And when we say white, we don't mean also pearl gray, cream, and other light colors. Then, ideally, you would make three piles: one with delicate white clothes, another with towels and socks, and a third with sheets and other clothes. Also, towels and socks have to be washed at high temperatures. On the other hand, some clothes could be damaged if they are washed with too hot water. When in doubt about the temperature at which you can wash white clothes, check what the manufacturer puts on the label. Tricks to wash white clothes: What happens when the clothes have stains or you want to bleach them? The time has come to reveal our tricks. 1. Active oxygen for stains: Although it appears to be clean, a white garment always stains on the neck, cuffs, and hem. So, before putting it in the washing machine, you can impregnate that area with a cleaner that has active oxygen. Leave on for a while before washing. If you want, you can also add bleach with active oxygen to the box - put it in the detergent compartment. 2. Lemon and salt for cotton: Do you have a white cotton garment that begins to lose light or has a stain? Pour water into a bucket. Add the juice of two lemons and a quarter of a cup of salt. Mix and introduce clothes. Leave on for at least 30 minutes, rinse with plenty of water and wash as usual. 3. Hydrogen peroxide for woolen garments: Is the fabric you need to clean made of wool? In that case, hydrogen peroxide will be your best ally according to laundry and dry cleaning near me. You just have to program the washing machine with cold water and the cycle for delicate garments, pour the detergent and add a jet of hydrogen peroxide in the bleach compartment in the box.
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