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STD OnStep Daughter FYSETC S6 V1.4

License: BSD

Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from OnStep Daughter for FYSETC S6 ESP32 WiFi/BLE

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Update time: 2021-06-28 23:58:01
Creation time: 2021-05-21 20:56:06
This is a daughter card for the various addons to the OnStep telescope mount controller designed by Howard Dutton. See http://www.stellarjourney.com/ for information about that project. This card is specifically designed to work with a FYSETC S6 V2.0 motherboard, and adds the following interfaces: 1. A Teensy 3.2/4.0/4.1 socket to provide both Ethernet (using a W5500 interface device) and encoders (including a 5V to 3.3v level shifter and an RJ45 socket). 2. A Wemos ESP32 for (WiFi and BLE supporting a pocket sized wireless controller in addition to Wifi devices). 3. A GPS for both the time/date/location update and a PPS signal. 4. An interface for a hand controller, either a SHC or a matrix of buttons to control the mount. 5. A 5V to 3.3V regulator because the FYSETC 3.3V supply does not have the capacity to support a fully loaded daughter card. 6. A buzzer for audio feedback from the OnStep controller. 7. A 12/24 V input socket and screw terminals for a power switch and connections to the FYSETC board providing power management. Because the FYSETC is fused, a decision was made to not include a fuse on this board.  Please add an external fuse if you desire one. This connects to the FYSETC with two wires for  power, plus 5 cables - 2 ribbon 10 pin connectors, one 4 pin cable and two 3 pin cables.  All are straight through cables.
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