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STD Flame Sensor


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Update time: 2021-04-09 20:57:11
Creation time: 2016-01-15 09:51:13
Flame Sensor ------------ The Grove - Flame Sensor can be used to detect fire source or other light sources of the wavelength in the range of 760nm - 1100 nm. It is based on the YG1006 sensor which is a high speed and high sensitive NPN silicon phototransistor. Due to its black epoxy, the sensor is sensitive to infrared radiation. In fire fighting robot game, The sensor plays a very important role, it can be used as a robot eyes to find the fire source. Features Grove Interface High Photo Sensitivity Fast Response Time Easy to use Sensitivity can adjustable Usage The module is mainly used to detect the infrared light. It outputs digital signal 0 and 1 through a Comparator output. The output value will be 0​​ when infrared light is detected. And the sensitivity is adjustable by the precision potentiometer. Let's use it to control. When the output value is 0, the led will light up. 1. Connect the module to the D3 of Grove - Base Shield using the 4-pin grove cable. 2. Plug the Grove - Base Shield into Arduino. 3. Connect Arduino to PC by using a USB cable. 4. Copy and paste code below to a new Arduino sketch. Please click here if you do not know how to upload. /******************************************************************************/ #define SENSOR 3 //connect SENSOR to digital pin3 #define LED 2//connect Grove - LED to pin2 void setup() { pinsInit(); } void loop() { if(isFlameDetected()) turnOnLED(); else turnOffLED(); } /********************************/ void pinsInit() { pinMode(FLAME_SENSOR, INPUT); pinMode(LED,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED,LOW); } void turnOnLED() { digitalWrite(LED,HIGH); } void turnOffLED() { digitalWrite(LED,LOW); } boolean isFlameDetected() { if(digitalRead(FLAME_SENSOR)) return false; else return true; } Reference The sensor can detect the light source whose wavelength is in the range of 760nm - 1100 nm. The below picture shows the spectral sensitivity. ![enter image description here][1] For more detail, please visit: http://www.seeedstudio.com/item_detail.html?p_id=1450 [1]: /editor/20160115/5698c20c16298.png
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ID Name Designator Quantity
1 YG1006 U1 1
2 LM293 U2 1
3 Grove-4P J1 1
4 10K R1 1
5 3K R2 1
6 100 R3,R4 2
7 1K R10 1
8 100nF C1 1
9 Green D2 1
10 1K R5 1


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