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STD IR2153 Supply for TDA7294


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Update time: 2022-12-13 03:28:01
Creation time: 2017-11-09 12:36:46
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Supplier Part
1 220uF C1,C2 CAP-LS-D22.0XF10.0 2 LCSC ValuePro 220uF 200V 22*27 Button angle C46450
2 1nF C3 RAD-0.2 1 LCSC ReliaPro CT4-0805Y333M500 C14859
3 100nF C4 RAD-0.2 1 LCSC ReliaPro CT4-0805Y333M500 C14859
4 220uF C5 CAP-D6.3XF2.5 1 LCSC ValuePro 220uF 16V 6.3*11 C43819
5 330nF C6 RAD-0.2 1 LCSC ReliaPro CT4-0805Y333M500 C14859
6 1uF C7 CAP-CBB-17.0*8.5 1 LCSC ReliaPro 1uf/250V/CBBCapacitor C29321
7 470μF C8,C9 CAP-D12.5XF5.0 2 LCSC ValuePro 470μF 63V C18823
8 0.1uF C10,C11 CAP-CBB-10.0*4.5 2 LCSC ReliaPro 250V 0.1UF 5% CBBCapacitor C46804
9 FR107 D1 DO-41 1 LCSC MDD FR107 C2466
10 HER108 D2 DO-41 1 LCSC MDD HER108 C16207
11 KBU810 D3 BRIDGE-KBU 1 LCSC MDD KBU810 C34835
12 KBPC1006 D8 BRIDGE-BR-3 1 LCSC MDD KBPC1010 C3082
13 OUTPUT P1 WJ300V-5.00-3P 1 LCSC ReliaPro WJ300V-5.00-3P C8467
14 INPUT_220V P3 WJ300V-5.00-2P 1 LCSC ReliaPro WJ300V-5.00-2P C8385
15 IRF740PBF Q1,Q2 TO-220(TO-220-3) 2 LCSC VISHAY IRF740PBF C2570
16 18K R1 AXIAL-0.8 1 LCSC UniOhm MFR02SF1502A10 C58743
17 10K R2 AXIAL-0.4 1 LCSC UniOhm MFR0W4F390JA50 C58644
18 33 R3,R4 AXIAL-0.4 2 LCSC UniOhm MFR0W4F390JA50 C58644
19 NTC R5 DIP-9.5*5MM 1 LCSC RUILON NTC 5D-7 C5385
20 390KD14 R6 PS-RES-16.5*4.1 1 LCSC Brightking 390KD14 C84749
21 IR21531PBF U1 DIP-8 1 LCSC Infineon IR21531PBF C2984
22 5x20 Fuse U2 5X20-BLX-A 1 LCSC ReliaPro 5x20 RHOS Fuse clip/seat C3130


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