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STD Thermostat Ver 1

License: GPL 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2020-05-21 14:46:58
Creation time: 2017-01-03 15:37:22
A simple electronic thermostat. Displays the temperature as two digits on 7 segment LED display. Temperature setpoint is entered by rotary encoder. There are two modes. 1) Setpoint hold: Rotate knob to display the desired temperature and press the knob to enter the temperature set point. DP1 lights when relay is closed. 2) Bypass: Rotate knob to select a temporary setting (don't press the knob). After 4 seconds, the temporary setpoint is active for 1 hour. DP2 blinks while in the bypass mode. Cancel the bypass mode by rotating the knob to enter a new setpoint and press the knob to enter. Depressing the rotary knob will momentarily display the current setpoint. Processor: PIC16F18855, control algorithm is a simple on/off threshold control with 2 degrees of hysteresis. Sensor: MCP9700A, 10mV/C Link to project: af6ea.blogspot.com/2017/02/simple-electronic-thermostat.html
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 4.7u C1 PAN_EF_I 1
2 0.1u C2,C4 VISHAY_K_15L2 2
3 TitleBlock_v1 X TITLEBLOCK 1
4 PIC16F18855-I/SP U4 DIP28-300 1
5 10u C3 PAN_EF_I 1
6 PICkit3_ICSP J1 6 PIN HEADER 1X6 1
7 EN12-HS22AF20 S1 EN12-HS22AF20 1
8 10k R1,R2,R3,R9,R13,R4,R5,R6 RFN14 8
9 NJM7805FA U5 TO-220F3 1
10 G5V-1-DC5 K1 G5V-1-DC5 1
11 VN3205N3 Q1 TO-92 1
12 1N4148 D4 DO-35 1
13 7_seg_led U1,U2 LSHD-7803 2
14 1935187 P1 1935187 1
15 1N5711 D2 DO-35 1
16 MCP9700A U6 MCP9700A 1
17 4116R-1-331LF RN2 DIP16 1
18 0.01u C5,C6,C7 VISHAY_K_15L2 3
19 LED, red D1 5MM LED 1
20 249 R7 RFN14 1
21 4.7k R8 RFN14 1


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