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STD voltage regulator breakout board


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Update time: 2023-03-29 13:40:21
Creation time: 2018-07-23 14:26:44
18v input (for lower input voltage read the LM317's datasheet) You can choose to make the output 3.3v, 5v, 12v
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Supplier Part
1 U1: LM317G-TN3-R U1 TO-252-2 1 LCSC UTC LM317G-TN3-R C71096
2 10uF C1,C2 0805 2 LCSC SAMSUNG CL21A106KAYNNNE C15850
3 3.9KΩ R1 0805 1 LCSC UniOhm 0805W8F3901T5E C17614
4 3KΩ(302) R5,R6,R7,R8 0603 4 LCSC HKR RCT033KJLF C177334
5 100nF C3 0603 1 LCSC Guangdong TOPAZ Elec Tech 0603B104K500CT C167026
6 P1: WJ301V-5.0-2P P1 WJ301V-5.00-2P 1 LCSC ReliaPro WJ301V-5.0-2P C8475
7 1.37K R3 0805 1 LCSC WTC WR08X1371FTL C170787
8 SW1: K3-1336S-L1 SW1 K3-1336S-L1 1 LCSC HRO K3-1336S-L1 C128771
9 LED1: 19-217/T1D-CQ2R2TY/3T LED1 LED-0603 1 LCSC EVERLIGHT 19-217/T1D-CQ2R2TY/3T C146215
10 LED2: 19-217/T1D-CQ2R2TY/3T LED2 LED-0603 1 LCSC EVERLIGHT 19-217/T1D-CQ2R2TY/3T C146215
11 LED3: 19-217/T1D-CQ2R2TY/3T LED3 LED-0603 1 LCSC EVERLIGHT 19-217/T1D-CQ2R2TY/3T C146215
12 LED4: 19-217/T1D-CQ2R2TY/3T LED4 LED-0603 1 LCSC EVERLIGHT 19-217/T1D-CQ2R2TY/3T C146215
13 470Ω R2 0805 1 LCSC Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Tech 0805W8J0164T5E C119076
14 H1: Header-Male-2.54_1x2 H1 HDR-2X1/2.54 1 LCSC TE Connectivity 826629-2 C86471
15 750Ω(751) R4 0603 1 LCSC YAGEO RC0603JR-07750RL C134079


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