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STD Faces We Have Seen Before

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2019-11-22 11:01:42
Creation time: 2019-11-22 11:01:42
There have always been people who opposed the government. The ability to express one’s view on any topic is one of the main advantages of democracy. However, public discontent does not always lead to the constructive solution of the problem. In the article “Faces We Have Seen Before” Colbert I. King, deputy editor of the Washington Post's editorial page and a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist of the previously mentioned newspaper, analyzes the activity of the Tea Party movement and compares it to various protests that have happened throughout the history of the USA. The Tea Party movement advocates for the reduction of the US taxes and government spending in order to reduce federal budget deficit and the US national debt. The movement is considered to be partly libertarian, partly conservative, and partly populist. Initially, the article was published in The Washington Post. Additionally, it can be found in Read, Reason, Write by Dorothy Seyler. In the article, Colbert King insists that the Tea Party movement is a type of phenomenon that recurs over and over throughout the country’s political history. One of the main author’s arguments is the resemblance of the Tea Party’s movement with the protests that have happened before in such places as Little Rock’s Central High School in 1957 and University of Alabama in 1956. The author points out that those same jeering faces could be seen gathered around the Arkansas National Guard troopers who blocked nine black children from entering Little Rock's Central High School. I agree with the author on the notion that what causes misunderstanding and fear in the society today, may be universally accepted tomorrow. The other comparison the author gives is the event seen by him. He describes people at a David Duke rally in Metairie as sullen with resentment, wallowing in victimhood, then exploding with yells of excitement. All the previously mentioned people are the ones who will always be dissatisfied with the government, society and their own lives. It does not mean that they fight for the wrong ideas. Eventually, these people have the same right to express their views. Yet, their activity is fuelled mainly by hatred and anger. The author provides another comparison in order to argue his position. He compares Tea Party protestants with George Wallace’s followers. Tea Party followers see the world through the eyes of the anti-civil rights alumni; "Washington, D.C." now, as then, is regarded as the Great Satan. I agree with the author, as such views mainly take root from the belief that one is the “real” American who has the right to do whatever he wants to whomever he wants. In the modern world, such a position usually gives rise to the homophobic and racial statements. Additionally, the author of the article compares recent events with the protests that happened in the 1950s and 1960s. Despite threats and intimidations, milestone civil rights laws regarding the Afro-Americans were eventually signed. Justice prevailed over ignorance and barbarism. In the same manner, notwithstanding the insults, abuses, and lies, president Obama fulfilled his promise to sign historic health-care reform into law by the end of his first term. In my opinion, only time can tell if the author is right by comparing Civil Rights movement with healthcare reform since it is too early to tell if the latter was actually necessary. At the same time, the part of the article I liked the most is actually the author’s conclusion. I agree that unintelligent people will never go away. Yet, they will not be capable of standing in the way of progress either. Eventually, such movements as the Tea Party movement are on the wrong side of history. In conclusion, Colbert I. King in the article “Faces We Have Seen Before” analyzes the activity of the Tea Party movement and compares it to various protests that have happened throughout the history of the USA. I generally agree with his position, as he successfully manages to show the similarity of various movements in comparison to the Tea Party movement. About the author: Thony Wilson is a master in English philology and histoty at California University. Tony is currently working as one of the best writers at [custom essays empire](https://essaysempire.com) He also studies feminine psychology.
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