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STD SHIO_Junction_Toilet_LED


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Update time: 2021-11-19 02:01:45
Creation time: 2019-05-14 05:08:06
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Supplier Part
1 1uF C1,C2,C3,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9 0603 8 LCSC CL10A105KB8NNNC SAMSUNG C15849
2 4.7uF C4 0603 1 LCSC CL10A475KO8NNNC SAMSUNG C19666
3 10pF C10 0603 1 LCSC CL10C100JB8NNNC SAMSUNG C1634
4 B2B-XH-A (LF)(SN) CN1,CN2 B2B-XH-A (LF)(SN) 2 LCSC - JST Sales America C158012
5 B5819W D1 SOD-123 1 LCSC B5819W CJ C8598
6 10uH L1 6028(6X6X2.8) 1 LCSC SMDRS6028-100N SXN C163562
7 KT-0603R LED1,LED2 LED-0603 2 LCSC KT-0603R KENTO C2286
8 WJ124-3.81-2P P1,P3 KF124-3.81-2P 2 LCSC WJ124-3.81-2P ReliaPro C69811
9 WJ124-3.81-3P P2,P4 KF124-3.81-3P 2 LCSC WJ124-3.81-3P ReliaPro C36780
10 AO3400A Q1,Q2 SOT-23(SOT-23-3) 2 LCSC AO3400A AOS C20917
11 2.7K R1,R2,R3,R6 0603 4 LCSC 0603WAF2701T5E UniOhm C13167
12 100K R4,R5 0603 2 LCSC 0603WAF1003T5E UniOhm C25803
13 4.7K R7 0603 1 LCSC 0603WAF4701T5E UniOhm C23162
14 2.2M R8 0603 1 LCSC 0603WAF2204T5E UniOhm C22938
15 220K R9 0603 1 LCSC 0603WAF2203T5E UniOhm C22961
16 22K R11 0603 1 LCSC 0603WAF2202T5E UniOhm C31850
17 10K R12 0603 1 LCSC 0603WAF1002T5E UniOhm C25804
18 74HC14D,653 U1 SOIC-14_150MIL 1 LCSC 74HC14D,653 Nexperia C5605
19 TPS61040DBVR U2 SOT-23-5 1 LCSC TPS61040DBVR TI C7722
20 XC6206P332MR U3 SOT-23(SOT-23-3) 1 LCSC XC6206P332MR TOREX C5446
21 AMS1117-5.0 U4 SOT-223 1 LCSC AMS1117-5.0 AMS C6187
22 B3B-XH-A(LF)(SN) U5,U6 B3B-XH-A(LF)(SN) 2 LCSC B3B-XH-A(LF)(SN) JST Sales America C144394


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