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STD Automatische Gartenbewässerung / garden irrigation system

License: GPL 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2022-05-20 16:31:17
Creation time: 2020-09-01 17:54:07
* this project based on a ESP8266 ESP-07S WiFi Modul * it supports 4 water circles (i use [Rainbird (DV-SERIES)](https://www.rainbird.eu/products/valves/dv-series) Valve) * to save water on rainy days, it supports a [Rain Sensor from Rainbird](https://www.rainbird.eu/products/accessories/rsd-bex) * 4V-16V DC are necessary for the power supply. 12V are optimal. * for a suitable control, look under my GIT Project ([https://github.com/DerDreher/garden-irrigation-system](https://github.com/DerDreher/garden-irrigation-system)) atm only in German * one module must be purchased for the 24V valves [Pololu 24V Step-Up Voltage Regulator U3V50F24](https://www.pololu.com/product/2569) In my project, I operate the circuit board via solar / battery, i.e. autonomously. The following components that I still used. * [Solarpanel](https://www.amazon.de/dp/B01BKHE764/) * [Battery Solar Charger](https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B079T7FRNN/) * [Battery](https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00F2J41IQ/) * [Case](https://www.conrad.de/de/p/spelsberg-tg-abs-2015-9-o-installations-gehaeuse-202-x-152-x-90-abs-lichtgrau-ral-7035-1-st-532735.html) * [Mounting Plate](https://www.conrad.de/de/p/spelsberg-tg-mpi-2015-montageplatte-l-x-b-x-h-171-x-143-x-2-5-mm-isolierstoff-1-st-534806.html) # Current informations * I am working on an English version of the software [20.05.2022] # Changelog **V1.3 (red circuit board color)** * New layout on the same board dimensions * Added 10k resistors to eliminate a short HIGH signal when ESP (re)boot * Added diodes to protect against coils self-induction **V1.2 (black circuit board color)** * more a software change * was never produced, but was theoretically used for further development **V1.1 (white circuit board color)** * Change many elements to SMD (smaller board) * Power supply changed from 3.7V LiPo to 12V lead (to high current for TP4056) * fixed a problem with incorrectly connected temperature sensor * fixed a problem with incorrectly calculated voltage dividers **V1.0 (green circuit board color)** * First circuit board with through hole Elements * Since water valves have to be controlled with a pulsed signal, the railes were exchanged for Mosfet circuit **First ideas** * First draft on a breadboard with a relay as a switch for water valves * Power supply with 3.7V LiPo via TP4056 and a 5V solar panel
Design Drawing
schematic diagram
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 WJ126V-5.0-2P P1 CONN-TH_WJ126V-5.0-2P 1
2 100 R8,R9,R10,R11 R1206 4
3 100nF C4 C1210 1
4 1N4007_C727081 D5,D6,D7,D8 SMA_L4.4-W2.8-LS5.4-RD 4
5 300 R12,R13,R14,R15 R1206 4
6 U3V50F24 U4 U3V50AHV-ALL-HOLES 1
7 FTDI Adapter J2 HDR-M-2.54_1X6 1
8 LF33ABDT-TR U8 TO-252-2_L6.6-W6.1-P4.57-LS9.9-TL-CW 1
9 13K R6 R1206 1
10 ZVN4206A Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 TO-92-3_L4.9-W3.7-P1.27-L 4
11 B3F-1000 SW1,SW2 KEY-TH_4P-L6.2-W6.2-P4.50-LS6.5 2
12 10K R19,R20,R21,R22 R1206 4
13 10uF C1 C1206 1
14 180K R7 R1206 1
15 DS18B20 U6 TO-92-3_L4.9-W3.7-P1.27-L 1
16 4.7K R5 R1206 1
18 2.2uF C3 C1210 1
19 47K R16 R1206 1
20 LTV-847S U1 SMD-16_L20.0-W6.5-P2.54-LS10.2-BL 1
21 1M R1,R2,R3,R4 R1206 4
22 7.5K R17 R1206 1
23 WJ127-5.0-6P CN1 CONN-TH_6P-P5.00_WJ127-5.0-6P 1
24 100nF C2 C1206 1


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