About EasyEDA


An Easier and Powerful Online PCB Design Tool Featuring Parts and PCB Services Powered by LCSC

EasyEDA is an easier and powerful online PCB design tool that allows electronics engineers, educators, students, makers, and enthusiasts to design and share their projects. This is a design tool integrated LCSC components catalog and JLCPCB PCB service that helps users to save time to make their ideas into real products.


  • Simple, Easier, Friendly, and Powerful general drawing capabilities
  • Schematic Capture
  • PCB Layout
  • Working Anywhere, Anytime, Any Device
  • Real-time Team Cooperation
  • Sharing Online
  • Thousands of Open Source Projects
  • Direct Links to LCSC Components for Selection
  • Integrated PCB Fabrication
  • Import Altium/Kicad/Eagle,PNG,DXF
  • More Than 1 Million Free Libraries
  • API Provides
  • Script Support

More features please refer at EasyEDA Features


We are makers, hackers and engineers. When we wanted to design and build some hardware stuff seven years ago, we spent weeks trying to find the right tools. We needed schematic capture, spice simulation and PCB layout but we wanted it to not be Windows only and we didn't like the idea of having to pay lots of money to buy a huge software suite and then spend weeks learning how to use it. But we didn't found it. Then we decided to develop a new PCB design tool named EasyEDA, we want it is a powerful, easier, and free EDA tool. And EasyEDA is keep updating now.

In short, EasyEDA will bring you an easier EDA experience, letting you enjoy more of the journey from an idea to a product.

你现在访问的是EasyEDA海外版,建议访问速度更快的国内版 https://lceda.cn(需要重新注册)
如果需要转移工程请在个人中心 - 工程 - 工程高级设置 - 下载工程,下载后在https://lceda.cn/editor 打开保存即可。
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