
You can help drive us to design an awesome tool for everyone. There are lots of little things that you can do.

Translate EasyEDA into your language

Would you like to have EasyEDA in your language? EasyEDA Std Translation .

Create Schematic Symbol or PCB Footprint libs.

All EasyEDA Schematic Symbol libs/PCB Footprint libs/Schematic Module libs/PCB Module libs are public, so after you have created and saved a new libs, others will be able to find your part and you will be credited as a contributor.

if you don't want to public your libs, you can download EasyEDA Pro desktop client and then use the half-offline or full offline mode

Make your projects public.

Did you create a really cool project with EasyEDA? Show it off and be super helpful to other EasyEDA users, you just need to set your projects to public, so others can explore your circuits.

Feature requests and bug reports.

We would like you to submit your ideas for improvements and any problems you find at OSHWLAB Forum. We will read every topic and try to give a response ASAP.

Spread the word about EasyEDA.

Don't be afraid to share with your friends and colleagues via:

The more people who use and contribute to EasyEDA, the better it will become. We will list some of our top contributors in our Thank You List!

如果需要转移工程请在个人中心 - 工程 - 工程高级设置 - 下载工程,下载后在 打开保存即可。
有问题联系QQ 3001956291 不再提醒
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