EasyEDA Education Version customized for teachers

Deeply collaborating with 2000+ universities worldwide.

EasyEDA for Education is committed to help teachers promote convenience in teaching experience and manage students effetively.

All certified teachers can apply to use its features for free.

Manage Your Students

  • Bring students over whenever you like

    Before allowing students to enroll in your class, there is no need to wait for official authorization.

  • Centralize classes on one platform

    You can invite anyone into a class and distinguish classes by altering the class link and class profile.

  • Enable diverse role assignments

    You're allowed to modify each member's roles and permissions.

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Streamline All Projects

  • Reach students in real time

    There are no obstacles in the way of design, such as downloading, moving, or saving files. When you are, EasyEDA is prepared! Utilize real-time feedback to connect with students wherever they are and inspire them.

  • Share projects at your fingertips

    Teachers can readily share projects with students for case studies.

  • Keep group work flexible

    Good things come in small packages. There are some helpful tips that concentrate on improving group task management.

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Simplify Assignment Evaluation

  • Make performance assessment simpler

    Still struggle for various performance assessments? Our assignment and examination management feature enables you to accomplish twice as much work in half the time.

  • Archive and evaluate assignments in bulk

    Move and export projects or grades in bulk for archiving and performance analysis.

  • Comment on the PCB

    You have the option of placing comments in your work space or directly commenting on PCB canvas.

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Integrate Practice into Your Curriculum

  • Rich in open-source projects

    The OSHWLab.com, our official open-source platform, provides a variety of state-of-art and innovative projects, which are handy for educators to share as examples and for students to be inspired by real-world applications. Try Now >>>

  • Access to affordable manufacturing

    We have prepared a special discount for students in their PCB fabrication process in order to engage them as well as help them get ready for a smooth transition into industry. Try Now >>>

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Is EasyEDA for Education really free?
Q2. I am a teacher, what benefit can I get for my students?
Q3. I'm a student. Can I access EasyEDA for Education?
Q4. What's included in EasyEDA for Education?
Q5. What if I already have an EasyEDA account?
Q6. Will my previous projects be automatically transferred over to the EasyEDA for Education account?
Q7. How long does Education license last?
Q8. What support is there for educators using EasyEDA in the classroom?
Q9. Can everyone at my institution use EasyEDA?
Q10. With EasyEDA for Education, will my data be secure?
Q11. If I create an education account with you, can the school owner be a different individual?
Q12. How can I prevent students from plagiarism?
Q13. Do I need to install anything to run EasyEDA?
你现在访问的是EasyEDA海外版,建议访问速度更快的国内版 https://lceda.cn(需要重新注册)
如果需要转移工程请在个人中心 - 工程 - 工程高级设置 - 下载工程,下载后在https://lceda.cn/editor 打开保存即可。
有问题联系QQ 3001956291 不再提醒
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