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STD Sweet Sixteen

License: BSD

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2020-03-02 14:30:34
Creation time: 2020-02-19 19:32:40
![sweet_sixteen.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/3osTiewO2aGXGDOCk87sE3fq5dnEiCdzMZnIQPXf.png) **Sweet Sixteen: A "16% keyboard" based loosely on the popular r/mk bumper sticker** 73 people thought it was a fine idea according to [this post on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/f66vsd/my_school_finally_let_me_use_their_laser_cutter/). Includes designs for a PCB and an FR-4 (i.e. PCB material) Mounting Plate. You may use either a plate-mount or PCB-mount stab for the spacebar, or even a Costar stab if you are one of the 11 people who actually like Costar (just kidding. I like Costar stabs.) Notes: - North facing switches for your GMK pleasure [sic] - You can survive without the mounting plate if you use a PCB-mount stabilizer. - You will need a Pro Micro (or compatible) dev board to make this work. - The Pro Micro can be mounted components-up or components-down. - If you mount the Pro Micro components-up, you may need to trim the switch pins. You might also want to put a bit of kapton tape over the switch pins to prevent them from shorting out. - To attach the mounting plate to the PCB, you'll need 6 * M2 standoffs, M2 washers, M2 8mm screws, and M2 nuts. - Since there are only 16 keys, a matrix was unnecessary. No diodes were necessary either (yay!) Each switch is wired directly to a pin on the MCU. And for the feet -- bumpons! (what else) No firmware yet. Will be QMK compatible. WARNING: Completely untested. No DRC errors in EasyEDA; that's about all I can guarantee so far.
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