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STD BJT 555 timer

License: GPL 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-07-24 15:28:56
Creation time: 2019-12-03 21:03:07
This is a **fully functional 555 timer** project using publicly available bipolar transistors. The project uses 24 transistors. The resistance values are taken from the datasheet and are slightly shifted towards the more accessible series of values. There are three test points. ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/oaVoEmPkkbA5D9eSdBhPxI8XZF6X1kd3HBy191lF.png) The PCB design process can be seen on youtube [BJT 555 timer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwHBDCMqqvQ)
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Supplier Part BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part
1 C945B Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8,Q16,Q17,Q18,Q19,Q20,Q21 TO-92-3_L4.9-W3.7-P1.27-L 10 LCSC C438764 FeiHong C945B
2 BC557 Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 TO-92-3_L4.9-W3.7-P1.27-R 4 LCSC C180418 CJ BC557
3 S9015_C21390 Q14,Q15 TO-92-3_L4.9-W3.7-P1.27-L 2 LCSC C21390 CJ S9015
4 4.7K R1,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R10,R13,R14 RES-TH_BD4.5-L11.5-P15.50-D0.8 9 LCSC C173094 YAGEO MFR2WSFTE73-510K
5 820 R2 RES-TH_BD4.5-L11.5-P15.50-D0.8 1 LCSC C173094 YAGEO MFR2WSFTE73-510K
6 1K R8 RES-TH_BD4.5-L11.5-P15.50-D0.8 1 LCSC C173094 YAGEO MFR2WSFTE73-510K
7 100K R9,R16 RES-TH_BD4.5-L11.5-P15.50-D0.8 2 LCSC C173094 YAGEO MFR2WSFTE73-510K
8 15K R11 RES-TH_BD4.5-L11.5-P15.50-D0.8 1 LCSC C173094 YAGEO MFR2WSFTE73-510K
9 6.8K R12 RES-TH_BD4.5-L11.5-P15.50-D0.8 1 LCSC C173094 YAGEO MFR2WSFTE73-510K
10 220 R15 RES-TH_BD4.5-L11.5-P15.50-D0.8 1 LCSC C173094 YAGEO MFR2WSFTE73-510K
11 100 R17 RES-TH_BD4.5-L11.5-P15.50-D0.8 1 LCSC C173094 YAGEO MFR2WSFTE73-510K
12 Header-Male-2.54_1x1 P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,TP1,TP2,TP3 HDR-1X1/2.54 11 LCSC C81276 ReliaPro Header-Male-2.54_1x1
13 S8050 Q22,Q23,Q24 TO-92(TO-92-3) 3 LCSC C8327 CJ S8050
14 C9012B Q25 TO-92-3_L4.9-W3.7-P1.27-L 1 LCSC C438777 FeiHong C9012B
15 2SA1015-TA Q9,Q10,Q11,Q12,Q13,Q26 TO-92-3_L4.8-W3.7-P2.54-L 6 LCSC C160132 Changjiang Electronics Tech (CJ) 2SA1015-TA


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