You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
1627 6
An update for Linux?
posted by rluisant , 4 years ago.
541 0
Wolf Van Herreweghe
568 0
Is there any possibilities to import Orcad Files?
posted by moto2016 , 4 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 4 years ago.
1216 2
Philipp Wie
Request for 3D Viewer (should be easy to implement)
posted by Philipp Wie , 4 years ago. replied by Philipp Wie , 4 years ago.
564 3
John Lonergan
Project diff
posted by John Lonergan , 4 years ago.
543 0
Improvements to signal routing
posted by cjohnson , 4 years ago. replied by cjohnson , 4 years ago.
696 4
Push & Shove Routing
posted by MadOverlord , 4 years ago. replied by netdudeuk , 4 years ago.
816 3
Windows ARM64 version
posted by afefer , 4 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 4 years ago.
646 1
Folders for projects
posted by sbhidden , 4 years ago.
596 0
Add more component vendors besides LCSC.
posted by GerritMax , 4 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 4 years ago.
961 3
Idea: Get a notification if a part in stock
posted by xpixer , 4 years ago. replied by JLCPCBsupport , 4 years ago.
542 1
How to set VCC
posted by NBoustanitab , 4 years ago. replied by NBoustanitab , 4 years ago.
2757 2
Select groups of components to re-annotate
posted by andyfierman , 4 years ago. replied by rpt007 , 4 years ago.
1019 1
New Feature - Change net name
posted by lynxlabeling , 4 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 3 years ago.
1530 4
cross cursor / crosshair when moving/copying objects
posted by wolfgam , 4 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 4 years ago.
892 3
Automatic Serial Number Generation
posted by jrtwine , 4 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 4 years ago.
1119 1
Export PCB files with G- codes
posted by akru15 , 4 years ago. replied by akru15 , 4 years ago.
3544 2
Alessandro Bassinello
1350 5
Global Layer Colour Settings
posted by BdT141 , 4 years ago. replied by ResistanceRoom , 4 years ago.
617 2
Option to hide Out of stock items.
posted by gamerpaddy , 4 years ago. replied by gamerpaddy , 4 years ago.
640 1
delete verification window could be more informative.
posted by legrady , 4 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 4 years ago.
595 0
如果需要转移工程请在个人中心 - 工程 - 工程高级设置 - 下载工程,下载后在 打开保存即可。
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