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Select groups of components to re-annotate
1041 1
andyfierman 4 years ago
It would be very useful to be able to select a group of components and be able to re-annotate only those components in that group and then be able to select another group and re-annotate that group with numbers to follow on from the previous group. For example in a 4 channel audio mixer schematic there will be 4 input channels that need to be laid out almost exactly the same way in the schematic (and in the PCB) and the components in each channel are related to each other in that channel. So it would be good to be able to number all the components in a channel so that the numbering of R1, R2, R3, C1, C2, U1, etc. is kept within that group and then the next channel is numbered R4, R5, R6, C3, C4 U2 etc. to follow on from the first channel. Channels 3 and 4 would be grouped as R7, R8, R9, C5, C6, U3 and R10, R11, R12, C7, C8, U4 so that it is easier to find all the components in a group in the schematic and on the PCB. At the moment this can only be done manually as the schematic is being drawn and not using the Re-annotate tool. Manually numbering components is OK but any editing later on is much harder to do. For example adding an extra decoupling capacitor in each channel would mean that all the capacitors in all the input channels would have to be renumbered by hand to keep the grouping consistent.
rpt007 4 years ago
I strongly support this feature request. Currently I am working on a complex project, where this function would be very very supportive and time saving (while avoid searching for oddly numbered components belonging to one module. Don't have that much experience with Easyeda yet - might have been better to have started with PCB modules rather than having all in one big schematic - next time, or if the requested feature would be earlier than my next big project, would take that then.
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