You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
6118 5
[Must read] How to ask for help and get an answer.
posted by andyfierman , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 1 year ago.
64309 29
[NEWS]EasyEDA forum moves to OSHWLAB.COM forum
posted by UserSupport , 10 months ago. replied by andyfierman , 9 months ago.
4586 9
4217 0
3D export at scale?
posted by rechena , 3 years ago. replied by sebyldino , 11 hours ago.
1455 4
Guilherme Fuzato
Update reuse block [EasyEDA Pro]
posted by Guilherme Fuzato , 11 months ago. replied by tokyodave , 2 days ago.
763 3
Having trouble with color in custom 3D models
posted by markdenies , 1 year ago. replied by georgychen , 2 days ago.
1472 7
[V2.0.31] STEP export stuck
posted by Luerl , 11 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 3 days ago.
1057 10
File formats for EasyEDA Pro ?
posted by qu1ck , 1 year ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 1 week ago.
1388 8
Text font size
posted by Sofiane_dev , 5 years ago. replied by jalsop , 1 week ago.
4510 5
4263 12
How to use the EasyEDA Oscilloscope
posted by andyfierman , 4 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 weeks ago.
3686 2
[PCB order] LCSC Parts SMT
posted by SungukPark , 3 years ago. replied by Qwe Rtz , 2 weeks ago.
4563 15
Need to open a .brd file in easyEDA
posted by adriafont , 1 year ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 2 weeks ago.
1915 3
Stefan Draeger
DRC Errors in my simple PCB Layout
posted by Stefan Draeger , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 3 weeks ago.
7360 10
Migrating from EasyEDA Standard
posted by GuitarBuilder , 2 years ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 4 weeks ago.
1549 5
Overlapping copper areas on the same net don't fully merge.
posted by demianaa , 7 years ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 1 month ago.
2209 6
Please make ratline color and thickness adjustable
posted by CzokNorris , 1 year ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 1 month ago.
727 4
Gauthier Östervall
Cannot import 3D obj file
posted by Gauthier Östervall , 2 years ago. replied by Osmar Ediber Toloza Bernal , 1 month ago.
1004 2
How to create a single layer PCB
posted by UserSupport , 5 years ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 1 month ago.
12907 10
merging different pcb to panelize issue
posted by ginopaolo , 4 years ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 1 month ago.
1003 3
Plastic box
posted by triolatice , 9 months ago. replied by andyfierman , 1 month ago.
892 9
Cannot manage and delete projects
posted by str71 , 10 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 1 month ago.
1006 5
Martin Studynka (Darthy)
Wire outline missing in SVG, got only lines
posted by Martin Studynka (Darthy) , 4 years ago. replied by Tade Ojo , 1 month ago.
1916 6
Easy EDA top tool bar is no longer visible
posted by dgschwartz-440 , 10 years ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 1 month ago.
2401 3
how to rename NETs
posted by wowi , 7 years ago. replied by Alvaro Oliver , 1 month ago.
8912 17
Required parameter "Google Recaptcha" is not present
posted by CharlesGibbsNam , 2 years ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 1 month ago.
1353 11
Schematic Block - Change Image?
posted by cjohnson , 2 years ago. replied by dev_murilo , 1 month ago.
793 1
jp lambert
Cant import drill file into flatcam from easyeda pro vertion
posted by jp lambert , 1 year ago. replied by Eddie A , 2 months ago.
893 2
Board Thickness
posted by mwon , 2 years ago. replied by EnselerizeR , 2 months ago.
3145 10
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