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[NEWS]EasyEDA Premium Plan is avaliable now, click here to learn more>>>
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UserSupport 1 year ago
Hi All **EasyEDA premium plan** now is available, the enterprise plan is coming soon,**don't worry, the free plan is still there.** please refer at [Plans and Pricing - EasyEDA]( the premium plan can **help EasyEDA to build a better PCB tool**, if you think EasyEDA can help you a lot for your job, please consider this plan. and by the way, **we will focus on the EasyEDA Pro development**, The Standard edition will enter the maintenance phase, and we recommend that you migrate your design to the Professional edition. ![image.png](// **what's the next after the premium plan starts?** * support design comments at the editor for project members * support big design display smoothly over 10,0000 pins(pads) * support a better auto router * support push and surround track over 20 lines at the same time * support advanced operation logs, such as every important steps * support incremental saving and similar to the git project version control * support teamwork for one big PCB/schematic page at the real-time * support recycle bin for the project * support check in and check out schematic pages for team work * support PCB layout service * support more thirty-part PCB tools format, such as Allegro * support real-time dynamic copper pour, high performance copper pour * support to export ODB++, Gerber X2, IPC-7351B, IPC-2581 * support to export Protel2 netlist * support to import PADS and Protel2 netlist * support set the watermark for the editor * support batch import device by excel file * support new teardrop * support metric unit for schematic * support new reuse module(reuse block) placement * support to import higher precision image to PCB * support constraint region * support BGA fanout routing * support boolean operations * support removal of unused pads for inner layers * support costum PCB object themes * support to import CSV file to create pads in batch * support to snap objects for measurement * support API/extension * support online chat with project members * support to load operation system font family when add font family * support to export interaction BOM * support multiple routing * support semi-automatic sketch routing * support spice simulation * support PI/SI simulation * support on-premises hosting and so on Thank you for your support over these years, we will do better in the future please refer at [Plans and Pricing - EasyEDA](<br> <br> EasyEDA Team 2023.08.29
weatherius 1 year ago
Does the paid version guarantee the absence of constant problems with authorization? What will happen to the big projects that we have now? Will I not be able to edit them or will they disappear altogether? Two reasons why I used your product: direct integration with and cloud storage of projects with ease of transfer. What you described for the paid version is just a slightly improved current one. But the free version comes with excessively reduced functionality. I'm waiting for your answer so that I can understand whether I should start transferring all projects back to KiCAD or not.
weatherius 1 year ago
Reading everything that is “new”, I saw local hosting (which is no longer provided). Will this idea never be implemented or will it ever become available for the enterprise account? Security and access are important. Especially considering that the “main server” may be unavailable at times or “mandatory updates” break authorization. I have known you since 2014, I was glad when the desktop version appeared (and was disappointed when I realized that it was just a web application). For pet projects, the web version is sufficient, but for work it would be nice to have a stable implementation that is independent of an external server.
dillon 1 year ago
@weatherius Yes, the paid version can guarantee constant  authorization and with some  unique services to save your time or remove some google ads  .    You don't need to worry anything, because the free version provide full offline version too.   We  promiss the core feature of EasyEDA free **forever** just to avoid  “mandatory updates” break authorization. this is our brand, if we break this, we will lost our users, EasyEDA has lots of users , some are very big companies too. EasyEDA provides online and offline version at the same time, just want to make our users to feel safty.  we provide Premium , just want to make our users to feel safty too. BTW, Premium  version's core feature will be service.  such as []( . If you have time, please check []( FAQ.
weatherius 1 year ago
@dillon thanks for the answer The most common problem I have encountered over the past two years is access problems. Even now, in order to respond to your comment, I had to log in again, although since writing, even the tab in the browser has not been closed. For the same reason, I stopped using the desktop version - almost a minute from the moment of launch, to the working mode is a lot. (And I’m not talking about problems with constant updates for the desktop, which can break something critical) there is also a problem that I rarely encounter, but which is important - shows one quantity of components in stock, another quantity, and how to place an order (on the same day) says that the required element is not in stock (and writes that there is) [](  not interested, but the second comment was written after reading all the pages (too much **Coming soon**)
dillon 1 year ago
>  one quantity of components in stock Almost  all of the small pcs stock which will be that problem,  LCSC, JLCPCB, EASYEDA use the diffirent databases. some time will be sold out.  Never trust 1 pcs stock product in design, you should buy it ASAP.  EasyEDA try to help customers to save time in design and fab.   We have a big team on this.
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