Hi All
**EasyEDA premium plan** now is available, the enterprise plan is coming soon,**don't worry, the free plan is still there.**
please refer at [Plans and Pricing - EasyEDA](https://easyeda.com/page/pricing)
the premium plan can **help EasyEDA to build a better PCB tool**, if you think EasyEDA can help you a lot for your job, please consider this plan.
and by the way, **we will focus on the EasyEDA Pro development**, The Standard edition will enter the maintenance phase, and we recommend that you migrate your design to the Professional edition.

**what's the next after the premium plan starts?**
* support design comments at the editor for project members
* support big design display smoothly over 10,0000 pins(pads)
* support a better auto router
* support push and surround track over 20 lines at the same time
* support advanced operation logs, such as every important steps
* support incremental saving and similar to the git project version control
* support teamwork for one big PCB/schematic page at the real-time
* support recycle bin for the project
* support check in and check out schematic pages for team work
* support PCB layout service
* support more thirty-part PCB tools format, such as Allegro
* support real-time dynamic copper pour, high performance copper pour
* support to export ODB++, Gerber X2, IPC-7351B, IPC-2581
* support to export Protel2 netlist
* support to import PADS and Protel2 netlist
* support set the watermark for the editor
* support batch import device by excel file
* support new teardrop
* support metric unit for schematic
* support new reuse module(reuse block) placement
* support to import higher precision image to PCB
* support constraint region
* support BGA fanout routing
* support boolean operations
* support removal of unused pads for inner layers
* support costum PCB object themes
* support to import CSV file to create pads in batch
* support to snap objects for measurement
* support API/extension
* support online chat with project members
* support to load operation system font family when add font family
* support to export interaction BOM
* support multiple routing
* support semi-automatic sketch routing
* support spice simulation
* support PI/SI simulation
* support on-premises hosting
and so on
Thank you for your support over these years, we will do better in the future
please refer at [Plans and Pricing - EasyEDA](https://easyeda.com/page/pricing)<br>
EasyEDA Team
Edge Chromium