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How do I edit a component Footprint
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cjbraiden 2 years ago
I have an LCD display in my design. I need to change the footprint to match it's size. I have found how to ungroup the symbol and can make the component bigger by dragging its edges with the mouse. This isn't accurate enough, I need to type in the size in mm. Can anyone help?
andyfierman 2 years ago
Find the Footprint in the library either by searching for the exact name of the symbol n your schematic that it is associated with or by searching for the exact name of the Footprint. Double click on the preview image of the Footprint in the library tool which will open it in the Footprint Editor. Edit it. Save it with a unique name and a clear Description. In your schematic, edit the name of the Footprint assigned to the symbol to that of your new symbol. Do Update PCB... For more information please read the Tutorial (1) and How to create findable footprints and searchable symbols (2.3) in (2) in:
daxliniere 1 month ago
Hey Andy, I wish this was true. This is a long-standing bug: Once you have placed a component, if you change the footprint, the old (cached?) footprint will be used. Aha! I seem to have found that there is a very specific set of steps you must follow and if there is a tiny deviation, the footprint updating won't work. I'll see if I can find the exact steps to make it fail and those to make it succeed.
haidy_easyeda 1 month ago
@daxliniere Please check out this tutorial:[](<span class="size"></span>
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