You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
If your Mac OS can't install EasyEDA client
58018 35
UserSupport 6 years ago
If your Mac OS can't install EasyEDA client, please refer at: [How to open apps from unidentified developers on macOS Sierra]( If it doesn't solve your problem, you can try: [How to create the desktop client for yourself](<br> <br> Open terminal and issue the following command (after installing the new version): 1、unzip the desktop client zip file 2、copy the app file to Application folder( remove the old version first ) 3、run this command in terminal xattr -cr /Applications/ if is EasyEDA Pro xattr -cr /Applications/EasyEDA
MikeDB 6 years ago
Or just get a proper PC ;-)
andyfierman 6 years ago
Now, now, Let's not be Platformist about this. That would just be so non-PC. :) p.s. I thought Windows had pretentions to being the fusspot of the Installation Police State nowadays?
MikeDB 6 years ago
We had to totally redesign our latest product to use browser control as Apple unilaterally declared that Adobe PhoneGap which we normally use for cross platform development was no longer allowed on the iPhone.   Has cost us three months wasted effort. So I feel every right to be platformist :-) Windows defaults to slightly annoying but you have to turn all that off to be able to compile stuff on their own Visual Studio tool.
andyfierman 6 years ago
@MikeDB, Ouch! I watched the film about Steve Jobs a year or so ago and the thing that comes across most clearly about Apple is that it's built on a policy of "End to end control" giving them even more of a stranglehold on users than Microsoft. I try to avoid anything that isn't FOSS but of course that is often not possible or practical.
Arjan van Vught 5 years ago
@MikeDB My PC is a Mac
ilgaar 4 years ago
The Hell with Windows PCs, and The Hell with MacOS Macs, I've used them both for a long time, they both suck equally. Both Companies own every bit of right that should have rightfully been yours, users of these Tyrannical Companies or the so called Big Tech, have simply no right at all, they can push the turn off button any time they like and delete you both online and offline. It is time to move to Linux, and don't you think that Android or iOS are better they are literally the same pieces of crap, one owned by Google and the other by Apple, I don't mean in the software sense, The Operating Systems used to be nice, both Windows and Mac, Android and iOS as well, but the recent breach of trust has shown us that we have been too naive to hand over our rights in a silver platter to these companies. It's time to Reject Microsoft, Apple and Google. They have sucked the blood of their users long enough. Installing Linux both on Mobile and PC/Mac. Screw the Big Tech Tyranny.
sunburstc 4 years ago
Had Problems with the latest Version and Big Sur. The normal Way (right click open) wasnt helpful. This works: `sudo xattr -d ` so like this: `sudo xattr -d /Applications/`
Bengt Nilsson 4 years ago
My EasyEDA v6.3.52 says a new version is released, and I should upgrade. Today, 23-Feb-2021, The MacOS version I can download is still 6.3.52 from June 5, 2020. What's the idea?
UserSupport 4 years ago
@bnilsson11 You need to open the editor and check, the version number at APP info please ignore it.
gregg.k 3 years ago
@MikeDB "get a proper PC" is such an ignorant thing to say since not all of us fancy the windows environment. Never had a problem with apple products. Windows computers always slow down rapidly and can't handle even a web browser. As a heavy user of my computer I never had a problem with my MacBook. So instead of saying "get a proper PC" you should be saying we don't have the knowledge and energy to keep a product alive...
MikeDB 3 years ago
@gregg.k  Read my following post on how Apple forced us out of being able to run on their products.  Adobe PhoneGap was the standard way of doing what we wanted to do back then and Apple just banned it and anything using it overnight.
erti 2 years ago
Circuit: \*\* Sheet\_1 \*\* Direct Newton iteration for .op point succeeded. Heightened Def Con from 1.61356e-007 +++++++++++++to 1.64356e-007 Date: Sun Sep 18 15:23:28 2022 Total elapsed time: 0.064 seconds. tnom = 27 temp = 27 method = modified trap totiter = 4289 traniter = 4253 tranpoints = 1319 accept = 1159 rejected = 174 matrix size = 15 fillins = 0 solver = Normal Matrix Compiler1: 632 bytes object code size  1.2/0.9/[0.8] Matrix Compiler2: 1.07 KB object code size  0.9/1.0/[0.9] <br> Powered by LTspice
andyfierman 2 years ago
@erti, Please  read: [](<br> <br> and post a link to a public project that demonstrates the issue in the relevant (Simulation) Category.
27hedrickj 2 years ago
@MikeDB 😢 can you do that on windows
TommyLotus 2 years ago
After being forced to update. The new version can't be opened. I get a notification saying easyEDA is broken. This is why I hadn't updated, I have about 20 offline projects, now what?
pfglasteel 2 years ago
@tommylotus I'm having the same issue, also on OSX. Hopefully they'll get things sorted soon.
Kryštof Novák 2 years ago
@tommylotus The same issue here. M1 Pro. MacOS Monterey
Kryštof Novák 2 years ago
@tommylotus I downloaded again, put it in the Applications folder, ran "xattr -cr /Applications/" in terminal and now the newest version works. Good luck
pfglasteel 2 years ago
@novakkry This worked for me, thanks! Never needed this step on previous versions.
Marcos Milagres 2 years ago
@sunburstc Thank you!
mark.henman 1 year ago
EasyEDA Standard client on Mac M1, version 6.5.34 is broken.  I get the following error after following steps to authorize app to run: The application cannot be opened for an unexpected reason, error=Error Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=5 "Launch failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Launch failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x6000037766a0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=111 "Unknown error: 111" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Launchd job spawn failed}}} I'm happy to help troubleshoot if anyone has ideas. 6.5.29 still works fine for me, so for the moment, I'll stick to that.
Joeri van Dooren 1 year ago
@mark.henman it's packaged wrong, the binary in the .app package is not executable ... and al the framworks have no symlinks pointing to there versioning binaries.
nugravitydubs 1 year ago
MacOS 10.15.7 - EasyEDA [6.5.34]( - NOT WORKING! `sudo xattr -d ` `sudo xattr -d /Applications/`xattr -r -d "" Hold down the Control key and click the APP, and select Open in the pop-up shortcut menu. In "System Settings - Privacy & Security - General - Allow applications downloaded from" select "Open anyway" to allow the system to allow the application to run. Does not help! please share the previous version! 6.5.29
nugravitydubs 1 year ago
@mark.henman please share the previous version
Harsha Jayamanna 1 year ago
not working 6.5.34 works previous versions without problems
Harsha Jayamanna 1 year ago
@harshaedvern []( please download older 6.5.29 version from this link. thank you
mark.henman 1 year ago
@nugravitydubs I was able to download the previous version from this link: [](
jubal81 1 year ago
I'm still not having any luck with either version. Any tips?
jubal81 1 year ago
@mark.henman I'm still not having any luck with either version. Any tips?
jubal81 1 year ago
Problem solved. EasyEDA support sent me a link to the file working for Apple silicon Macs: [easyeda-mac-arm64-6.5.34](
Oskarzyg 1 year ago
for those struggling on apple silicon (or just any macs in general), you can just use `brew`. `brew install easyeda`
benjaminds 11 months ago
I didn't get it working until I used the following command: xattr -cr /Applications/"EasyEDA" or xattr -cr /Applications/ Had to look up how to use the mac terminal since I only ever used Linux and windows command prompt at university
shivamhegadi 7 months ago
@benjaminds I have macos sonoma and m1 and this worked. You need to add a "-" in the middle of EDA and Pro tho
Madcat_of_LH 3 months ago
Hi everybody, How to change change the path of the EasyEDA-Pro directory (by default installed in Documents) ? I want to install it in a sub-directory not directly in my documents directory. Thanks a lot
haidy_easyeda 3 months ago
Hello, are you talking about the installation path or the path where the file is saved? The installation path can be selected by yourself during installation, while the file saving path can be changed in the editor. Please check out this tutorial:  [Import and export FAQ \| EasyEDA Pro User Guide](\_of\_lh
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