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How to solve PCB components removed and added after Import Changes or Update PCB
5198 9
UserSupport 4 years ago
How to solve PCB components removed and added after Import Changes or Update PCB Since v6.3.39, the schematic components and PCB components correspond with component ID, for solve the component removed and added after Import Changes in completely in new project. for the OLD PROJECT, the editor will re-assign the component ID base on the prefix. for example, schematic has R1, PCB has to have the R1. If your old schematic and PCB don't correct corresponding, then it will appear components removed and added. If your schematic and PCB component have the same prefixs, but still appear this issue, please try follow method to reset component ID: Method 1: 1, Make sure your editor version is v6.4.7 and geater. Check editor version: via Help - About ![图片.png](// 2, Open the schematic and PCB 3, Reset the component ID via: Top menu - Design - Reset Component ID,Schematic and PCB need to reset it both! ![图片.png](// Notice: 1, If your schematic has subparts U1.1, U1.2 etc. after Import Change the U1 will be removed and added, because PCB doesn't have prefix U1.1 or U1.2 but U1. Please change PCB U1 to U1.1 or U1.2 etc, and then reset the compoment ID. the new project will not appear this issue. 2, Please don't edit the new design file at the lower editor version(less than v6.3.39).
oeneo 4 years ago
Hi everyone! Not fix for my project: [https://easyeda\.com/oeneo/espower\-32\_copy\_copy]( Someone help-me?
UserSupport 4 years ago
@oeneo Hi I have tested your project, it works as below: ![图片.png](//
ct1ilt 4 years ago
Hello i did exactly as you described and it does not work... can you please help? I added 9 components to an old schematics and I just want to update the PCB with the new components. []( ![image.png](//
ct1ilt 4 years ago
Sorry, it worked. I missed doing the reset of component ID in the schematics too.. thanks
FabianoRiccardi 4 years ago
Thank you it worked! However it wasn't 100% clear that I need to click "Reset component ID" in both schematic and PCB.
delebel 3 years ago
@fabiano.riccardi I had the same problem and after many attempts I confirm I had to do the component reset on the pcb (layout) as well. After doing so most of the components just got renamed but did end up in their proper place on the board.... : )  Denis
andyfierman 3 years ago
If footprints from Schematic Symbols with sub-parts are being ripped up and moved, please see this Bug Report / workaround: [](
swich401 2 years ago
@UserSupport Does this Reset Component ID work for EasyEda Pro?
anardine.ef 3 months ago
Worked fine also. You **NEED** to do it on both schematic and PCB and save both before importing the component
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