You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
help me
posted by amin1372 , 8 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 9 months ago.
1057 10
.tran 10m
posted by poghos , 1 year ago. replied by andyfierman , 9 months ago.
857 3
PCB Assembly messed up
posted by luudee , 1 year ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 months ago.
4554 3
Aurélien JOLIVET
Update Reuse block from project
posted by Aurélien JOLIVET , 1 year ago. replied by Riddt , 10 months ago.
3489 3
Page margin when export to PDF
posted by ban.relayer , 6 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 months ago.
3704 7
Does a via in a pad cost more to manufature?
posted by THX1138 , 1 year ago. replied by kyotee89 , 10 months ago.
3665 1
How should i place a heat sink to cool down a MOSFET? (JLCPCB-SMT)
posted by it-guy92 , 2 years ago. replied by Ryan Vogt , 10 months ago.
4087 5
Import of KiCAD modules/footprints fails
posted by Lyagukh , 8 years ago. replied by oleh770 , 10 months ago.
6199 9
layers tool and pcb tools has disapeared
posted by khurrum , 1 year ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 months ago.
2987 3
Where can I find through-hole pats?
posted by aristotles , 1 year ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 months ago.
4087 14
4166 4
Extensions in the EasyEDA PRO?...
posted by duritskiy , 2 years ago. replied by alexpuhtin , 11 months ago.
3871 6
Return components exact match of JLCPCB part number first?
posted by nhergert , 1 year ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 11 months ago.
3367 6
Graphics Glitches on PRO version (Linux System)
posted by felipelacerda , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 11 months ago.
3454 11
All tracks vanished, but still present in exports
posted by acutetech , 4 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 11 months ago.
3597 4
Unable to open either PCB or Schematic from project pane
posted by liket73 , 4 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 11 months ago.
4333 8
原理图 和PCB图导出
posted by zyh_EDA , 7 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 11 months ago.
4530 4
Guide to Panelization of Board for PCB Assembly
posted by Banjobeni , 4 years ago. replied by lqhuy2205 , 11 months ago.
16663 38
Windows 11 EasyEDA App doesn't save login credential
posted by aleteck , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 11 months ago.
4139 23
How does bus and bus entry work?
posted by csMax , 6 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 1 year ago.
5475 6
Hamid Moazed
Zoom too fast on Pro version with trackpad
posted by Hamid Moazed , 2 years ago. replied by Riddt , 1 year ago.
2744 8
Import Changes to PCB now really slow
posted by rehsd , 2 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
3074 14
Shant Centistoke
Scrolling Difficulty
posted by Shant Centistoke , 4 years ago. replied by shershavchyk , 1 year ago.
1229 4
How does the `Connect Pad to Pad` tool work?
posted by andyfierman , 8 years ago. replied by jesus toural , 1 year ago.
15299 6
Unable to delete invisible components
posted by goyousalukis , 2 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
908 5
Copy & Paste Duplicating
posted by duritskiy , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 1 year ago.
8763 64
[Pro] STEP export broken?
posted by Alakuu , 1 year ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 1 year ago.
729 3
Models for schematics and pcb
posted by Ronen PERETS , 1 year ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 1 year ago.
5105 1
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