You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
All tracks vanished, but still present in exports
3658 4
acutetech 5 years ago
I had almost finished a design and was design-rule checking. I changed the minimum via hole size constraint to clear DRC errors relating to hole size errors. The next time I looked at the PCB, all the tracks had vanished. Pads, silk screen, GND plane etc are still visible. If I use the camera view, or 3D view, or export the design as Gerbers, pdf, png etc the tracks are correct and visible. I tried exporting the design as a json file and re-opening the json file - no difference. How do I restore the tracks? I attach screen shots of the PCB view )tracks missing) and the photo view (tracks present). I can send the PCB json file if someone can fix it. Thx - Charles ![tracks_vanished.png](// ![tracks_photo_view.png](//
andyfierman 5 years ago
Check: 1. visibility (the little eye icon) in the Layers and Objects palette. 2. that the nets are not hidden in the PCB Design Manager.
acutetech 5 years ago
@andyfierman Thanks Andy. (2) was the problem - all the nets in the PCB Design Manager had been deslected. When I re-selected them the problem was solved. I don't know why the nets were deselected - I certainly did not do it! Regards - Charles
rjbryan58 1 year ago
@andyfierman I have a simular problem, all my tracks disappear and I can't make new one's. however they show up in 3D view. I don't have little small icon "eye" and don't understand how to turn nets back on. i am running version 6.5.39  my email address is []( ,  if anyone knows how to fix this bug please let me know if detail.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@rjbryan58, Please  study: [](
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